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Finished my sons huge buck!

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Congratulations to your son and to you for a beautiful mount.

Any one thinking this is not a MONSTER has not spent much time hunting coues.

Some people need to get a clue.

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What an awesome deer your son arrowed! You did a great job on the mount too. Congratulations to both of you.

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took me about three weeks. The total cost is hard to total because I bought a lot of equipment so I can continue doing taxidermy work.

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Huntlines great buck and very nice looking mount. Is that buck gross 116 or net?


I shot a similar buck 4 years ago with my bow that grossed 121 but will go into the book at 111 due to the velvet and other deductions. You can view it on the SEAZSC website.

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That is a great buck, and one that i would put in the monster category especially with a bow. I've been hunting coues deer all my life and have yet to kill a buck like that with my bow, and in this instance it's a buck shot by a young man. If i would have killed that buck with my bow at his age i would have a brown stain running all the way down my pants to my shoes. Tell your son that we are all super proud of him for his success, and that he should cherish that one for life. Awesome job indeed!!!

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  On 12/9/2013 at 9:37 PM, ROMOCASADOR said:

Beautiful mount and awsum deer. Mr XFORCEBABY needs to be taken in back of the barn and thought a lesson . Just dont understand some people!!!

THE BARN, Are you going to use a condom he he he :P GET 'R' DONE Romocasador ;)

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