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Another great Coues hunt!

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Well just got back home! My brother and I had opening day success! I glassed up a few deer from about a mile away about 8am opening morning and we came up with a plan of attack and made it to with in 270 yards by 10 am. We set up the tripods and glassed up five bucks, I had my brother set up his rest, we both got ready and i told him to send one on the biggest buck. Boom! and i see the buck just standing there, no dust nothing, I look up at him and say you missed your not even close and he replied I hit him! I turned the binos to the right a little and see a buck hunched up and then drop. We were looking at different deer! I turned my binos back and the larger buck was still just standing there, I grabbed my gun and took up my brothers shooting spot and found him. Boom!, second buck down! All within sixty seconds!


Now the hard part we had traveled far to get to these deer, we were pretty deep, took us six and a half hours to get them both out, but we had a blast. Bitter sweet to tag out opening morning. Spent the evening enjoying drinks and a campfire.





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awesome job! I pulled a double with my brother in 2008 and its still my favorite hunt ever. Thanks for sharing and congrats on some good bucks.

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Wow - another double! Great job. Looks like you guys did your homework and made it pay off big time! Huge congrats!

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Congrats on your double! My brother and I give each other a lot of crap when we are hunting and our first response to each other if it doesn't go done right away is "you suck....your missed...didn't you!" Great times!

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