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Who's ready for Friday Oct. 25th?

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Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable hunt. Good luck to all

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27 hours give or take until I head for camp...got that nervous/anxious/excited feeling that never goes away the day before a hunting trip. If it ever does, I don't know what I'll do. Scond guessing my plan A due to crowds after talking to another member here, but also have plans B-D to fall back. Just don't want to move camp around. Once we find an open camp we'll be good. Talking myself into being nervous again! :D

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I am and I don't even have a tag! Headed out with good friends backpacking in a couple miles! Should be awesome! Good luck to all! Glass hard and shoot straight!

Have fun and be safe guys! Video everything

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Heading back up to cabin, got 2 buddys with two coues tags. Then wife is taking father out next Friday for his muley hunt. Week break then my archery hunt , then another buddys rifle bull hunt, then sons first rifle bull hunt. Should be a good next two months. Six tags in eight weeks were hoping to fill them all. Good luck to all and be safe.

Good Luck Guys, Fill those tags and send some pics! Many Blessings

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