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AZ Senators=RINOs

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Jeff Flake and John McCain are big government RINOs.


We all know John McCain is terrible, but Jeff Flake? I thought he was advertised as a Tea Party guy. I didn't see him standing by Ted Cruz and Rand Paul during their filibusters. Where was Flake at when the petition to stop Brewercare in AZ was going around? He is what his name says, a flake.


I will be voting Libertarian from here on out, the Republicans no longer speak for me.

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Its time for McCain to move on. And I hope Flake is one and done as well. I was really expecting more from him. Heck you barely know he's even there and then when he does vote on something he just does whatever his big brother John does.

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Don't invest in any politician (except Ron Paul lol). They will inevitably let you down or stab you in the back. Politicians are power hungry, narcissistic blowhards that have one person they care about.... Themselves. Unfortunately, the sheep in this country eat up the crap they spew out of their mouths. Ron Paul was the Tea Party before there was one 30 years ago.


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Mitch McConnell took a $2 billion dollar earmark for the state of Kentucky to vote yes. That's 2 billion that we have to borrow and pay interest on so that he can keep his job.

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You all need to remember, a politician is someone we pay ( a lot) to lie to us. We vote for the one who tells us the lies we want

to hear. Once they get in office they do what the MONEY people tell them to do.

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It is really sad that they all have sold their soul and honor to special interests, NWO, elites, or whatever other control freaks that are out there. I don't get why Gary Johnson didn't receive more press in the last election. He was two-term gov of NM, left it with the biggest budget surplus ever, built his own construction company from the ground up, and climbed Mt. Everest! That's the kind of person you'd think would get attention but no, we get Mitt Romney forced on us.

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Romney wasn't the best candidate ... and that is for sure ... but ANYTHING to the right of Obama would have been an improvement. At least he was on record as saying he'd kill Obamacare on DAY ONE.


There are better candidates out there to be sure.


McLame and Flakey Jeff need to go ...

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  On 10/17/2013 at 2:32 PM, DesertBull said:
Mitch McConnell took a $2 billion dollar earmark for the state of Kentucky to vote yes. That's 2 billion that we have to borrow and pay interest on so that he can keep his job.


Today McConnell said that spending that $2b saved us $150 Million and that it was not his idea to add it. That's how illogical and what a big liar he is.

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Conservatives aren't any better. They contribute to this mess just as much as the liberals... I used to be a Conservative Republican - not anymore.


Now I am a Independent Libertarian.

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You have a real problem in a representative republic when the only options that the masses of citizens, working class people, have to choose from as representatives are a bunch of rich men & their kids. How can a person born to money have any idea at all what my best interests are, much less represent them? Kind of like me giving a speech on what it's like to be an overweight Asian Lesbian.


With all the free media these days, such as twitter, facebook, youtube, etc, I think it's more possible than ever for a viable, middle class working man or woman to step forward & try to do some good for us.

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