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San Carlos Unit A...freak!

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Who cares what it scores, 15 or 150, it's one of a kind.

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Unit A is definitely always the sleeper unit, good bucks to be had if you're in the right spots.


Left main beam was shot and hanging by a thread then broke on the pack out, gave it my best shot when taping it, only used the tape and came up with roughly 116, congrats to her on her first deer :)


Some big muleys also came thru the checkpoint including a perfect 182 4x4 with 2" of deductions.



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Awesome! I think that deer gets 2 scores for having 2 sets of antlers. How many others could claim that!


I gotta get a tag for San Carlos one year...

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Common on Dan, you're just messing with us. You duct taped an extra set of sheds on its head.!?Right. Lol


Awesome buck!

Instead of two ball sacs, I bet it had four.

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That buck is absolutely awesome!! Congrats on a tremendous trophy!!

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