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My Rights As An American

Found gun and saddle bags

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Was camping in Unit 22 this past weekend when I went for a quick quad ride on a nasty trail that I had never been on before. About 500 yards in up a steep hill I see something in the road so I go to the side to avoid it. As I pass the object I see it is a rifle in a scabbard and pair of saddle bags about 10 yards farther up the hill. Retrieved both items to find a very nice leather saddle bag and leather scabbard holding a Pre-64 30-30!!! Checked everything for identification, nothing attached. Unloaded rifle, nothing was in the chamber. Rode the rest of the trail to the end to find nothing.


About three hours later, as we were sitting at camp thinking of the most appropriate way to get these items back to whoever their owner was, a couple rides by on a quad and asks if I had seen a horse. Turns out the rider (a law enforcement officer from the area) was thrown from his horse, knocked unconcious briefly and lost his horse, saddle, gun and saddle bags. Horse ran away and everyone started looking in the wrong direction. After I told them where I found the items, they realized that they were at least 1.5 miles in the wrong direction searching for the horse.


About one hour later, the law enforcement officer's son, who is also law enforcement from the area, shows up and asks if I was the one who found the items. He was extremely courteous and friendly, a very positive interaction. Kids got to see their daddy give back the gun and saddle bags and saw how friendly the officer was to me.


Rider who was thrown called me the next day to exuberant thanks and appreciation, nothing but absolute highest class shown. I was really impressed with both the father and the son and how they treated me and showed their appreciation. Turns out the father took a pretty good fall but got on another horse and immediately started searching for the first horse. With the information that I had provided, they found the horse above the area I found the items. In less than 12 hours, the rider got everything back that he had lost: horse, stirrup, saddle, saddle bags and family heirloom gun and scabbard.


A tremendously positive story and experience for me and my family, but a tremendously positive outcome for all involved! Hard to find really positive stories for all, but even more proud to part of one! Stay safe out there!

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It doesn't take too many of these type stories to overcome a lot of negative ones...I love it.


Sounds like the officer and his son were not the only class acts on that mountain. Well played on your part!

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Very well played! Also glad to here there wasn't a 200" mulie involved either. haha YOU SIR ARE A CLASS ACT!

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Now I remember what it was I liked about you. I would not have expected anything other than what you did. Thanks for sharing Brian. It was a very good thing the kids got to witness. An officer showing his gratitude towards their Dad for being the top notch guy that he is. Glad to call you a friend my friend.



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Very cool the way this all panned out for everyone involved! Great story

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Thanks everyone. I was very honored to be part of something so positive and have the kids be around to see things happen. The best part of the story is that everyone was fine, rider and horse. The second best part is that the rider was reunited with all of his belongings in less than a few hours. Nothing was lost in that very rough terrain. How often is it that I can tell a story about finding a gun? That is one that will stick with me for a while.

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Good job helping that guy out, another CWT member doing good out there!

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