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Time To Go

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So after months of discussion and struggles adding up, my wife and I have decided to look into moving out of state. We both have lived here all our lives,35 years, but it just doesn't feel like home anymore. I spent the last four years in school and successfully completed with a degree in mechanical engineering. We sacrificed everything and gave up much of our lives for me to do the school thing. I have been out of school for six months now and the crap just keeps piling up. We have set a goal to be out of Arizona in 6-8 months.


We have looked around and decided we are going to head to Minnesota. We have some friends that recently moved back there. They are originally from there and have offered to help us out to make the move easier. I am looking forward to a change of scenery and new outdoor recreations.


We know that there will be hard times in life where ever we are, but it just feels like we need a major change.


It will be hard to leave, but we feel this will be good for us and our family.


I will keep an eye on this forum to read the great stories of Arizona hunting. I also plan to come back once in a while to archery hunt with my friends here.


Wish us luck.



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Sorry to hear that. Good luck to the both of you. Make the investment and buy a lifetime license if you want to hunt here later on.

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Wish u the best of luck. hope things go your way, and u find what you are after.

There is good deer hunting up there. ;)

But you might have to become a viking fan to get information at of anyone up there. LOL


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Can't swing a dead cat and not catch a walleye or a smallmouth up there. Big bodied North woods deer and black bear, waterfowl, and grouse! Land of 10000 lakes!

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I am from Minnesota and miss it less and less every year. The people are very nice and the slow paced, small town living is what I miss. I don't miss the weather (especially winter), high taxes, and mosquitoes. Not to mention the liberals are ruining that state. The Twin Cities are the epicenter of progressive liberalism, and the other 90% of the state is rural and full of good blue collar people. Good luck though! The hunting is great, I am leaving two weeks from today for a whitetail hunt at our cabin near Mille Lacs Lake

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Good Luck to you and your family. I'm from Wisconsin and I don't miss the winters or the skeeters either

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I was born in Minnesota, but moved to Arizona when I was 11, in 1973. Winters can be pretty brutal, but lots of good whitetail hunting. I think it is primitive weapons only in the lower half of the state. I have never hunted there as an adult, but have family that bowhunts in the farm country, in the southern part of the state.

Yep....lots of skeeters in the summer, but it can be pretty nice, if it's not too humid.


Best of luck!

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Congrats on the engineering degree, they are definitely the hardest four year degrees to obtain. I wish you luck in your future endeavors.

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Good Luck. I hope it works out for you. You might check out Montana as well. I have a friend moving up there right now due to lack of work here. He is EE though.

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I love AZ. Born and raised and a true desert rat through and through. As is my wife.


You should think about what it is you love the most (aside from your family of course) and move where you can be close to pursue what you enjoy most in life. What ever it is, where ever it is you best get there now before your roots get to deep.


If I could go back 20 years I would move somewhere closer to the ocean.


Fortunately with your degree you should be able to find a good job almost anywhere. You can also raise your family anywhere. Finding good schools is sometimes tricky. Fortunately MN has a pretty good education system.


GOOD LUCK and don't forget to take your long johns.

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Like most places, the Ultra liberals tend to congregate around large urban areas (more gov't services there). So, get out of the city and the ratio of workers:leeches swings more in your favor. I don't think ultra liberals tend to stray more than 1 mile from a Starbucks.


The older liberals (Hippy, JFK, live off the land types) are a good people and tend to actually be moreconservative than the modern republican (RINO). you will find that many of them are moving out of town and starting organic farms, bed and breakfasts, farmers markets, etc.


You will love the midwest, IMO. I wish I could move back.

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