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how quick will deer drop elevation on Kiabab after 1st snow?

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my son has the jr hunt this weekend on Kiabab and we scouted last weekend and there was plenty of deer in the higher Pine country. I understand the deer migrate down to the lower juniper as soon as the first snow. The hunt is Friday and today and tomorrow they are supposed to get 2 inches of snow. Anyone have any idea how quickly the deer move lower? Kinda bummed if my scouting trip was a waste and now I'll be working a new area.



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i don't think 2 inches will cause the deer to change locations. I have been there when we received three to five inches and the deer didn't move lower. The snow will likely melt quickly.

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The deer are starting to move down to the lower elevations snow or not. Every year doe's and small bucks begin moving down around right now. With snow this only speeds up the process. even if the snow melts quickly, temperatures at night alone will start this process , regardless of snow conditions. i would pay attention to the night temps, these in my opinion are more critical than snow conditions. Good luck.

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I'll also be up there this weekend with my sons. There is ton of deer all around - I wish Couse Bucks were that plentiful and fearless as the Mulley does. 2" of snow should not make a difference. Last year we had the same hunt and it snowed Friday Night. Sure enough the next morning we saw deer.

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You will be fine.

I helped on a CHAMP hunt in 2010 it was after the general season and prior to the late season. There was still deer up high, then we got 22" of snow. That moved them!


I dont think your scouting was in vain and you guys will have a great hunt.

Best of luck to your son and all Jr's hunting this weekend.

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thanks for the feedback. We stayed high and hunted the scouted areas. first day had heavy fog and lots of road hunters moved the deer around and blew out spots. Late afternoon set up in the burn and glassed some at 225 yrds perfect set up and just about to shoot when a truck came down the road and busted them. Oh well, that's hunting.

Next AM he passed on two shots that he could have taken but waited a bit to long for the perfect shot and they busted.

That PM he had that shot he wanted and took this nice doe with a good quick kill from his 243. It's the first doe hunt we've been on and while a nice buck is always a bit more challenging, these doe hunts are a great way to get them hooked. Can't wait to take my 10 year old on his first doe hunt.






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Thanks for the story and congrats to your son!

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