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Little Help

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Let me begin by letting you know that I'm not e-scouting...I've done my homework, but things have come up that have put a huge wrench in my plans. The first one is the possiblity of a new job (I've been at the old one for 10 years, so the change is kinda of important for the family), and the second one is the health of my dad. Last year he had a heart attack, and still went hunting with us, and know this year he has had some breathing problems and has to have surgery soon after our hunt, so his health isn't so good. However, he is my hunting partner and he still wants to go so I'm not going to leave him at home.


So here is my question...I have a 32 november tag and have hunted the east side of the unit and know it well. However, the west side is much closer to home and when I went to scout it I only found one road that I could get in on (Copper Creek Rd.). Is this my only option on the west side of the unit (other than Mercer's Ranch) or is there somewhere I can go take a look on afternoon for example. I would be more than willing to share info for other units. I'm not doing this for myself, its for my dad who hasn't taken a coues yet and I'm not really sure how many more seasons he still has left.




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