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if anyone hunts this area

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Hope to never stumble onto one of those plots. Scary stuff.

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For some reason they sure like unit 22


Maybe this could be a good thing for hunters, deer with cotton mouth and the munchies = more active deer

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They are scary stuff, marijuana is big money. My dad and I stumbled onto one in Idaho several years ago. We saw the people before we got too close. I was familiar with the the local trend of marijuana growers in the area, and we backed out. I had been involved with several investigations earlier in the year. We called the ISP detectives with the information. About 1500 plants were seized. By the way, if you discover a grow and report it, there may be a MEPP (marijuana eratication program) reward for you. Even though turning it in is the ethical thing to do, the money may come in handy for future hunts.





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I know there has to be a few fields up there on Ord, it's just a matter of time before they are found. It may be worth while to build an AR15 pistol to store in your pack. :lol:

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I always carry a pistol on my side when im out hunting wether i get to close to a snake or ever get in a bad situation like that.

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