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outdoor rush

7mm Mag Loads. Updated with hunt story!

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Thank you for all the help everyone! Ended up going with the 168 VLDs and 70.5grns of Retumbo(it's what i had) and the gun shoots great! She shot her buck Monday night at 5 pm after a very hard 4 days of hunting and many miles hiked! It isn't the buck we were after but it was the only buck we found and it was her last day she was going to be able to hunt between work and her Masters program at ASU. The bullet performed fantastically and the buck dropped in its tracks at 212yds.





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Congrats on her buck! Do you have a pic with her rifle in it? Did you chrono the bullet? How is it grouping? I have a 7mm and always buy Fed Prem factory bullets but the though of loading my own sounds pretty cool!

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Here is her gun set up on the Claw right after the shot. I have not chronoed the bullet yet, I guessed it to be around 2900fps and it seems to be very close to that after putting the numbers into a ballistic calculator and shooting it. It shot a 5 inch group at just under an inch at a hundred yards, but the bergers always stabilize better at further distances. The stock is being dipped in "Muddy Girl Camo" right now but when I get it back i will do more load data on it before our elk hunt.


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