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Road Hunters SUCK!

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Yes they do.


But lets not forget than some people are stuck to that for other reasons, And they can shoot from that vehicle as well. Lets not forget that Lots of big game has been taken from the road. lets not forget that they are part of the hunting preasure that keeps bucks up and moving back towords the hills. Lets not forget that each road hunter is one less hunter in the hills pissing you off. :lol: :lol: :lol: This leavs the best for those that work for it.

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When your son is getting ready to take a shot, off to the side of a two track road, and a road "hunter" sees this and decides to floor it to get in front of him before he can get the shot off, YOU SUCK!

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I agree!


In the past they have only been an annoyance and a disgrace to me but this year a group of them ruined my best opportunity of filling my tag while hunting in North Kaibab.


The forth day of my hunt we spotted 4 bucks feeding on the edge of a canyon. Conditions were perfect and I was able to get within 40 yards of the group and they were feeding my direction. I sat and waited for the closest buck to step out from a fallen tree for a broadside shot when a polaris ranger came down a nearby road with 3 people in it. They spotted the deer jumped out of their vehicle and began launching arrows from 90+ yards.


The deer quickly took off and I came out to confront them, quite pissed off. What idiots! I kept my cool but they knew I was not happy. Their comment "If we had seen you we would not have shot".... Oh really? If you had seen me so would the deer!


We continued to see these guys driving in a big loop with one person standing up in the back with binoculars and the other two ready to jump out with their bows. Idiots! Unfortunately there were no G+F officers around to give them a talk on the legality and ethics of road hunting. The saddest part is that one of them was a young kid who is going to grow up thinking that they were "hunting"

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I totally agree!!!! Road hunters messed up a shot I had last year on the North kaibab, I can't understand their logic they think their bowhunters and never get out of the vehicles, cruising the roads, me and AZRDHD even saw one supposed archer with his bow drawn , truck parked in the road, trying to get a shot off, AZRDHD was gonna say something but the "hunter" got in his truck and left. The worst unit though was unit 32 had the Nov. mulie rifle hunt in 2002, Atvs up down the roads, even spoke to one of them and he was proud of the fact he never got off his atv, and bragged about his trophy deer(a spike) he shot , that we drove by as we were going to a canyon to hunt. Don't get me started I don't like road hunters. :angry:

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DesertBull- Sorry to hear about that on your sons hunt. Someone that would intentionaly interfere like that is not any kind of a sportsman and is a real a__hole


Road hunters in general don't really bother me that much, I am more appreciative to have access to so much public land compared to just about every other state. Most of the time if you are having that many problems with road hunters you are probably spending to much time on the roads yourself.

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Desertbull sorry to hear that your sons chance at an elk got ruined.


I am sure there will be many more chances for him in the future.

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Most of the time if you are having that many problems with road hunters you are probably spending to much time on the roads yourself.


Yep. I agree with that. The unit we were in is criss-crossed with roads and two-tracks. Most areas you cannot walk more than a mile without crossing a drivable road. So, we were not surprised about the road hunters, just surprised about their lack of common courtesy.


We even witnessed road hunters making their own new roads! :angry:

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