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Unit 20C

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Does anyone have any advice or pointers for unit 20c? I drew a tag for the October hunt and have never hunted the unit. Not looking to steal anyone's honey holes or anything but if anyone has any pointers or advice or any feedback on that unit would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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Like most places, it is not what it once was. It has been the bottom, or one of the bottom, harvest rate units in the state for like 5 straight years. There are mature bucks hiding in the lower elevation desert hills though.

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TOO many tags for the amount of private property. That unit needs to have 200 tags maximum per year and be shut down a couple years just like 42 needs to be. Like that would ever happen.

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Their are nice bucks in 20c. Definitely a unit to have a good pair of glass. Agree with number of tags. The unit has potential for monster deer.

This unit has potential for monster deer just like the Cardinals have the potential to win the Superbowl !!!I It could happen.

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If it didn't have a million and a half tags it would be a great unit. I chase around nice bucks during the rut there. But u have to actually get out of the truck to get to em. ;)

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I have had 2 tags in this unit, filled one and my buddy filled his in that unit last year. It is a difficult hunt though, good bino's are a must and plan to do some hiking and a lot of spotting. I will send you a PM with some areas that we have had success in. And I couldn't agree more about the amount of tags considering the land restrictions.

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tough unit for sure....get up high and glass, and keep moving. maybe 30 min in each spot and move. Worked best for me.

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You should have seen some of the giants in that unit in the late 80's to early 90's......amazing desert bucks. Last time I seriously scouted it (4 years ago) I was highly disappointed and moved to a few neighboring units. Good luck.....

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If anything it will have pushed some of the deer into huntable areas. Most of the burn was landlocked by private property and not huntable. I do know that some of the local firefighters that worked it came across a few skeletons of some deer that were trapped.

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