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Great Fun For All--Rimfire Chalenge

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Just a little advertising for the Globe Miami Gun Club and the Ruger Rimefire Chalenge being held tomorow. Great fun for all. Men, women, and children all experience levels from people who have never shot a gun to the experienced verteran.


Location-- Globe Miami Gun Club http://www.gmgc.zoomshare.com/


Time-- Match starts at 9am tomorow morning.


Cost--Free! the match is free to enter just bring some ammo 80 rounds of rimfire ammo is plenty to complete the match.


Coarse of Fire-- consists of a pistol stage and a rifle stage. Both stages are shot twice and timed. Bring a .22 rimfire pistol and a .22 rimfire rifle in whatever action you have. I dont own a semi auto .22 rifle so i typically use my trusty lever action henry. If you dont own any .22 rimfire guns someone there will have one you can borrow.


For those of you unfamiliar with the Globe Miami Gun Club they have a very nice facility and are very active in helping the local community and supporting our shooting heritage. If you have any questions let me know.

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Sounds like fun. I wish I had seen this post earlier, as I made plans that aren't as interesting. If they host another similar event, could you let us know. Thanks

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As long as enough people show up they have the rimfire challenge every third saturday of the month. I will put up a reminder a little sooner next month. Unfortunatly i will not be able to attend either since if have to go to a wedding. I still dont know why someone would get married in september thats elk season.

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Mark your calendars! The next rimfire challenge will be held October 19 at 9am at the Globe Miami Gun Club. The match is free to enter, all are welcome, and tons of fun.


The annual turkey shoot will be held November 23 at 9am at the Globe Miami Gun Club. I’m not sure what events will be held at this year’s turkey shoot but typical events are 100yd bench rest shoot, action pistol shoot, golf ball drive, etc. The money raised at the turkey shoot is used to buy food which is then donated to the local food bank.


Its a great way to meet new people, help a good cause, and have fun shooting.

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Just a reminder the rimfire challenge is next Saturday at 9am at the Globe Miami Gun Club.

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