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Need Unit 8 Bull Elk help for my Dad he's from alaska

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Hey guys. I am new here saw and read ur forum and all you guys seam really nice and knowlegeable. My dad is a big game hunter from alaska. He eats and breatha hunting and am so thankful that he raised me the same way. And he finally drew a archery tag after like 15 years and he is in unit 8 and he is hunting by himself and this is his first time down in anywhere in Az. Any help would be awesome guys. He really wants a bigin and if any of you guys could give me any help I would be very greatful. And if any of you know the area good and would like to help him bag a bigin. No doubt in my dad would bring you on a Ak hunt I'd you ecer were to hunt up there. He is my hero and just want to return the favor to him for raising me dor a passion to hunt. He jas been hunting since opening and has already had so obstacles to deal with down there so is def puttin in the work. Anyways any help would be awesome. Thank you all

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Cool that people are willing to help. Doesn't hurt that its an archery tag during the rut...probly have several guys ready to go chase some bugling bulls! Good luck and make sure to post the pics.

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My dad is still out there....getting frustrated. He hunting solo. Seems like he gets busted if he is in elk. Wind keeps getting him or idk seems like soo far everything has gone wrong. He been busting his butt off. He was supposed to go back on the 23rd but he is determinddd and called up to alaska told work hebwas staying another week. Idk juat want him to get one so dang bad. He cant bugle nor has a bugke call.I mention a decoy but with time being a factor can't afford half days drive to go get one. Idk guys. Any ideas info would be a blessing. Thank u all

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If he's in elk, he just needs to be patient. Wind patterns in AZ suck period. That's just the way the cookie crumbles. It's probably a blessing that he can't bugle. While exciting and fun, it often doesn't do a hunter any favors. I've elk hunted Arizona 3 times (I'm from Alaska too), all rut hunts, 2 archery, 1 muzzle loader. I shot 1 bull each time. ALL of them were ambushed on water or a major trail. One was near the last day and 2 were on the last day.


He needs to calm down, take all the info and experience he has gathered during his hunt so far and figure out how to ambush one. If he knows where there is a good quiet water source, he should be sitting it from sun up to sun down. Elk can come in at 6am or 7pm or 1:13 in the afternoon. They often come in mid day. It's hard to be still that long but if he really wants one, that maybe what he'll have to do. If he wants to have a blast, he should chase bugles. If he wants to kill an elk, he should sit where there is a supply of what a rutting bull needs. Water.


It is different when a hunter knows an area, knows how the elk move and react etc... Those guys can chase bulls and call and whatever. Since your dad doesn't have that experience in that area, he needs to resort to more traditional methods.


Right now it sounds like he needs some encouragement.


1: It's not if but when.


2: Persistence pays.


3: Sometimes all you need is just a little more effort.


Let us know how he finishes.



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Akfisherman I talked to your dad tonight and he is in the right area from what he told me he just needs alittle luck to come his way .

I try to keep giving him good positive talk and keep saying be persistant and it will pay off.



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