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Not a monster,but my first....

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Was glad that I was given the opportunity to harvest this archery bull at 18 yards,he only went 20 yards then collapsed...the GraveDigger Broadhead definitely did the job on a full pass through quartering away...The solo pack job wasn't fun,but a labor of love...Hope everyone's hunts are safe and going well. -- Nate P.S. I wrote the quick story on page 3....





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Way to get it done Nate. That's a very nice bull and we have got to hear the story when you get some time. Congratulations and thanks for sharing. :)



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That is freaking awesome. The first is always a monster, especially with a bow. You can work getting bigger later. Enjoy the trophy you have now. Congrats.

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18 yard shot!!!! Way to get in there amongst 'em! Great bull, congrats...

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