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myspace group

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for anyone who has a myspace that visits this site....i made a group...so just find the group and let it go from there. I want there to be lots of pics that is really what i want, but we can always post questions or whatever. Plus a good way to talk to some fellow members or hunters. Just want to spread the popularity of the site.

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Two questions:


1. Why set up a site in competition with this one?


2. Do you have Bob Campbell's permission to use his photo of the pair of whitetails?


Bill Quimby

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I think I agree with Bill - this site already serves us well. Has plenty of forums to visit, let us post pictures/videos, classifieds are great - I just don't see a need to go anywhere else.

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I have no use for Myspace. I have heard a lot of negative things about it.



What is negative about myspace?


Competition for this site? Hardly.


Myspace has a HUGE member base and many times people visit your page then look through your interests groups etc. I have many hunters from aroudn the country ono my page... they would maybe get interested in Coues if they read it on my page.

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I don't have a problem with a coues myspace group. I do have a problem with use of Bob Campbell's photo (unless you have permission directly from him to use it). If you want another photo you can use, let me know.



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no i deleted cuz i didnt want it to cause any controversy which it has....no biggy...a lot of people seem to be against myspace....i think its good for talking with friends u havent seen in awhile, and friends in other states....but there is a lot of $h!t on it to, but thats cuz there are a lot of messed up people in the world :angry: ....

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