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Pine Donkey

Great opening weekend in Unit 1

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The rut is not yet going strong, yet we had a great weekend. Friday we saw 18 bulls, 4 of the over 300, lots of spikes.. That evening, I passed a 320-330 bull called in to 15 yards. I hope I don't end up regretting this, but after a 9 year wait I did not want it to end that soon. Maybe it was for the best because less than 5 minutes later the sky opened up with one of he worst rain/hail storms I have ever been in.

Saturday was a bit slower, with only two bulls. I almost had a shot at a 360ish bull, but it did not work out this time.

Yesterday we called 7 bulls into 20 yards. The biggest was a small, broken 6x6. This was so much fun! We kept calling and they kept coming. My son and friend videoed each one.

The big bulls are running by themselves for the most part, some of the smaller mature bulls had a cow or two, but there was no herding yet. Bulls were vocal in some areas, but there were a lot of quiet bulls.

I am home for 5 days of work, then back at it for the remainder of the season. This is going to be a loooooong five days.

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Glad to hear you have been getting into them! Good luck on the remainder of your hunt!!!!

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Was up there all weekend too. Definitely not what it was last year...but still had some action. We heard ALOT of bugling at night but they quit not long after light. Horn growth doesn't seem to be as strong as last years either. Very very wet up there!

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The rut is not yet going strong, yet we had a great weekend. Friday we saw 18 bulls, 4 of the over 300, lots of spikes.. That evening, I passed a 320-330 bull called in to 15 yards. I hope I don't end up regretting this, but after a 9 year wait I did not want it to end that soon. Maybe it was for the best because less than 5 minutes later the sky opened up with one of he worst rain/hail storms I have ever been in.

Saturday was a bit slower, with only two bulls. I almost had a shot at a 360ish bull, but it did not work out this time.

Yesterday we called 7 bulls into 20 yards. The biggest was a small, broken 6x6. This was so much fun! We kept calling and they kept coming. My son and friend videoed each one.

The big bulls are running by themselves for the most part, some of the smaller mature bulls had a cow or two, but there was no herding yet. Bulls were vocal in some areas, but there were a lot of quiet bulls.

I am home for 5 days of work, then back at it for the remainder of the season. This is going to be a loooooong five days.

ya that friday night storm is when i shot my bull, that was the most lightning ive ever seen.

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Ohhh I bet these are going to be the longest 5 days of your life! Good luck, can't wait to hear 'The rest of the story'

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We stayed in Greer over the weekend. Didn't hear any bugles until Sunday morning. They were fired up big time and were still bugling good at around 10 am.

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lucky2hunt took the words right out of my mouth. Good luck on making it through the next 5 days. And hopefully they are rutting good for you.

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