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Speaking of recalls......

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Down goes Bloomberg! Giron, Morse lose big in Colorado recall

By BearingArms.com Staff /

10 September 2013


Gun-grabbing Senate President John Morse and Senate Senator Angela Giron have both been defeated in a stunning, first-of-of-its-kind recall in Colorado. The loss is not only a stunning defeat for Colorado Democrats, who will now hold just a razor-thin margin in the state senate but also crushing blow to the nationwide gun control movement.

It was Giron that framed the importance of the recall last week. ”For Mayors Against Illegal Guns, if they even lose one of these seats, they might as well fold it up. And they understand that.”

Morse and Giron lost even after anti-gun forces outspent the recall effort by roughly 6-to-1, including hundreds of thousands of dollars contributed by Mayor Mike Bloomberg himself and an unknown amount of support from MAIG.

Is gun control really dead? Probably not. But Bloomberg’s political power to dictate policy outside of the northeast has be dealt a severe blow, and it may be a long time before gun control supporters in other parts of the country will risk their futures with a gun control group that very well make have peaked in its power.


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Guest oneshot

great news!! King Bloomy will be gone soon, along with His personal armed guards, his love for Euro ways, and back to being just another rich hypicrite hanging-out with his hollywood sleezebags... His $1.00 a year pay has cost NYC way to much...

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Goes to show what can be done if we stand together. There are many of these turds that need to be recalled. If a few more key politicians were recalled, it would send a very strong message to others.


I was glad to hear that Giron lost also. Early voting indicated that her district was behind her.

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Yes, that's just fantastic!!! We need to do this across the nation!! Definately get ride of all these dead beats in our government.....

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I love it.

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Libtards are whining that recalls are wrong.


funny, they were not singing that tune when Scott Walker was recalled in Wisconsin.

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great news!! King Bloomy will be gone soon, along with His personal armed guards, his love for Euro ways, and back to being just another rich hypicrite hanging-out with his hollywood sleezebags... His $1.00 a year pay has cost NYC way to much...


I hope he takes King Andy with him... NY is such a dang mess right now...

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So, gun control takes a heavy defeat last week and what a ya know? Another shooting. Yeahhhh.......Didn't see that coming.

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"The Pope and Obama are on the same stage in Yankee Stadium in front of a huge crowd.

The Pope leans towards President Obama and said, "Do you know that with one little wave of my hand I can make every person in this crowd go wild with joy? This joy will not be a momentary display, but will go deep into their hearts and they'll forever speak of this day and rejoice!"...

Obama replied, "I seriously doubt that! With one little wave of your hand....Show me!"

So the Pope backhanded him and knocked him off the stage!

AND THE CROWD ROARED & CHEERED WILDLY and there was happiness throughout the land!"

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