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Austin's Hunt Success

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Congrats Austin. That's what I call filling the freezer ;)

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Congrats to Austin that will be a ton of great memories.

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Major kudos to the Adams family!!! This posting makes my heart glad to see such a blessing and how beautiful the memories will be for many years to come. Major congrats to you all. Cannot wait to get my boy(he's five) going on the hunt. Thanx for a wonderful post and for taking the time out of your busy schedule to enrich us all :D .


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Congrats on a great year of hunting, great job.

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Glad to see some truely young hunter involved at the deepest level.


How are they at glassing? It's in the genes! That's cool that they are willing to sit hour after hour waiting, watching and looking for Arizona's Big Game animals. Success can lead to great patience.


Appreciate you sharing the pictures.




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Hey guys sorry it took me so long to respond. It seems here lately I'm either hunting or working and working 12 hour shifts at that. Thanks for all the atta boys and congrats. Austin is just eatin it up.


Chris & Bret, I really think he went for the carp deer because they are easier, anyway now that he's gotten that out of his system he can concentrate on God's deer. By the way we had some of that little mule deer for supper last night and it sure don't taste like them Coues deer. ;)


I will tell you guys to try and get your children interested in hunting. My boys have just taken off with it. I am fortunate that where I live they can hop on the ATV's from the house and in 10 minutes be hunting quail, Coues deer, mule deer or dropping a line the river for big Flatheads and Channel Cats. Almost every evening this week after school they loaded up and went quail hunting. Anyway it certainly keeps them busy and out of trouble and I'm afraid it won't be long before they'll be teaching me some new hunting tricks.


We still have my NM and my wife and other son's Nov. AZ Coues hunts.


Thanks again.

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