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Colorado Antelope

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Well, my wife and our good friend Ilene headed out to Denver, CO to chase antelope with our friends at Southwest Outdoors. This was the first bowhunt of the season for all of use and anticipation was high. There were no shortage of antelope but the weather really did not cooperate for sitting water. This was my first hunt with my 2013 Answer and my new CBE Tek-Hunter. I can think of a better combination for hunting speed goats out west, a fast bow and an adjustable sight that I can stretch out to over 100 yards. The first two days found my wife and and trying to slip into bow range utilizing spot and stalk. This proved to be very difficult. On day two I managed to sneak into my effective range on three different bucks but was unable to even get a shot off because these antelope pegged me every time I went to draw. The morning of day 3 I decided to sit a fence crossing that had been very active. After approximately two hours a great goat began to make his way down the fence to the crossing which I was positioned 55 yards from. The last 100 yards the buck sprinted to the crossing and I was worried he was going to cross without me getting shot so I was unable to hit record on the video camera. The buck came in and turned broadside and 55 yards and I sent my Goldtip 5575 tipped with an Ulmer Edge on its way. The shot was a touch low but one blade caught the heart and that was all it took. Unfortunately my wife and Ilene were unable to connect. This turned out to be a great first hunt of the years and we will likely return next year.






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Awww Love look'n at that buck! Congrats again Brian! Roger and I had a great time and look forward to sharing a camp with you guys again!

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That's an awesome buck with a bow or any weapon for that matter. Congratulations Brian and thanks for sharing it with us. I was sitting along side Ilene & Roger every step of the way thru cwt. Could hardly wait for the next pm to come thru.


Good luck on your quest to take a big horn with your bow Brian. I'll be pulling for ya. :)



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