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Fort Hood Shooter (read terrorist)

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Death Penalty by the jury panel... But there's still a lot of people in the chain of command that are required to authorize it. I was at Ft Hood when the shooting happened, and I had some friends killed and wounded. I am very glad to see the verdict and sentence, and I will be more glad to see the sentence carried out. I urge the Supreme Court and the President to make the right choice and authorize the commutation of the sentence immediately so all of us who lost folks that we knew and loved can close the book on a very dark chapter.

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I was happy to hear the verdict. Unfortunately, he will probably spend many years, and taxpayer dollars, sitting in the Kansas prison, going through appeals and waiting for his turn. Execute him quickly, and let God take care of the rest.

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Leavenworth???!!! Nope, he's got special medical needs courtesy of officer Kim Munley's and her on scene partner's 9mm. Just wish they'd have aimed a little higher and ended this thing long ago. If I was the cop I'd have finished his sorry butt off right there at the scene...

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Glad to hear the death penalty here as well but the big problem is.....he needs to be just like.......gone........him being executed fullfills his mission and gives him the highest of status.

We execute him and he becomes a hero......


Either way....he needs to depart from this life and meet what is really on the other side......

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Technically since he did serve in the "enemy of islam" U.S. Army for as long as he did, he's already committed crimes against Islam according to his own philosophy, so yeah just kill him and let Allah sort it out. I doesn't matter what we do with him, if he languishes in prison he languishes as a living martyr and if we kill him quick he dies as a martyr- so either way in his mind (only) he dies as a martyr. I say do what makes the victims family feel better and that's kill him quick. I don't mince words about radical terrorist muslims- the only cure is total extermination of the species. The peaceful ones can stay and do what they want, it's the Jihadists that need to go.

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