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Voting for a new Govenor

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In the Past I have heard alot you on this site wanting to get rid of the GF Commission. The first step in doing this I believe is we need to get rid of the govenor we have! We as hunters would be better off to have new blood in office.

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I think what venadoslayer is referring to is the fact that the current commission is only giving minimal lip service to the hunting community. They hold these public input meetings only to provide the false impression that they actually care what we think. The truth is, they pretty much have their mind made up and will do whatever they please, whether it's in the best interest of AZ hunters and habitat or not.


If we had a governor who really cared about hunting in this state, it is pretty reasonable to assume that we might have a commission in place that also cared about hunting and hunters - after all, the commission is appointed by the governor - or at least the people who are recommended for the commssion vote are appointed.


I happen to agree with Venadoslayer that the commission needs a major overhaul. After reading the 6 year plan by AZGF, I think there are a lot of heads in the wrong place.



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Nappy aint so bad. Afterall she recently said no to granting illegal aliens drivers licenses,

Ooops, he wanted illegals to have them 2 years ago....


But she is all about education, funnelling more money to schools even though they are sub standard in teaching performance and results year after year.

ooops , he said he would hold them accountable when he gave them 500 million 2 years ago and that aint happened yet.


She supported closing the border to illegals by authorizing the nationa guard to go to the border,

Ooops, He denied the required funding for them to do what she asked and instead told the press that if we put up a 50 ft wall, the illegals will just get a 51 ft ladder.


He, She, Errr ... Nappy knows how to play both sides of the issues and politic all the way to the bank. Good luck to you sane legal voters getting that political animal out of office.

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We all know it is important to vote for the right things.


This gov. has given us the last 4 commissioners we have.


I do not want this gov. giving me any more.


I have already voted for the right gov.


If this gov. is still here, we will have a Commission you cannot believe, heck, we already do. We have 4 that don't have a clue. One wants to kill an antelope with a cigar hangin out his mouth, one has killed most everything and has a cigar hangin out his mouth, one is still tring to find a way to give everything to all the animal rights people and say he has killed more elk than anyone. One has no clue. One is a good one. Last one we may have for a while.


If this gov. has four more years, hunting is screwed.


Why hasn't some one thought of that???

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  dave said:
We all know it is important to vote for the right things.


This gov. has given us the last 4 commissioners we have.


I do not want this gov. giving me any more.


I have already voted for the right gov.


If this gov. is still here, we will have a Commission you cannot believe, heck, we already do. We have 4 that don't have a clue. One wants to kill an antelope with a cigar hangin out his mouth, one has killed most everything and has a cigar hangin out his mouth, one is still tring to find a way to give everything to all the animal rights people and say he has killed more elk than anyone. One has no clue. One is a good one. Last one we may have for a while.


If this gov. has four more years, hunting is screwed.


Why hasn't some one thought of that???

Dave is right, If we as hunters can not see the truth in this we are all screwed. If this govenor gets re-elcted we as hunters stand a real good chance of losing the fight to hunt in this state. Look G&F has already given in to them buy stopping the hunting of mountain lion for three months out of the year starting in 07. Whats next? Wake up folks! We do not need any more tree huggers in office and especially the G&F Commission.

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Having a commission is better than letting the state (or heaven forbid, the Feds) call the shots.

You guys are right: the quality of the commission depends on who the Governor is and who he puts in position. Here's a clue: Do we want to keep the governor that dis-allowed the department to kill the problem lions, and instead had them captured to live the rest of their sorry lives in captivity?


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We all see the need for a different Gov, I just don't her losing this election. I have already voted against her.

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You guy's are worried about this: http://www.tucsonweekly.com/gbase/Currents...t?oid=oid:84203 ?


Honestly, I am more worried about the high density subdivisions that are going into prime Coue's country.


What is more dangerous? Fear of losing the right to hunt because some pinko lefties are in office this year OR forever losing the ability to hunt because there are no more animals left alive.


I highly doubt that hunting will be outlawed, unless of course we allow sprawl building developers destroy all of the prime locations for game (ex. Pusch Ridge's Bighorns) and then the poor buggers are put on the endangered species list because of loss of habitat.


Nappy's got my vote, I think she's doing a great job.

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  NeoLaquachi said:
You guy's are worried about this: http://www.tucsonweekly.com/gbase/Currents...t?oid=oid:84203 ?


Honestly, I am more worried about the high density subdivisions that are going into prime Coue's country.


What is more dangerous? Fear of losing the right to hunt because some pinko lefties are in office this year OR forever losing the ability to hunt because there are no more animals left alive.


I highly doubt that hunting will be outlawed, unless of course we allow sprawl building developers destroy all of the prime locations for game (ex. Pusch Ridge's Bighorns) and then the poor buggers are put on the endangered species list because of loss of habitat.


Nappy's got my vote, I think she's doing a great job.

Another hunter that realizes are biggest threat to hunting is not the tree huggers. I am encouraged.

Pinko Lefty Bob

PS that is an impessive spread on the deer in your avatar. Can we see a bigger picture.

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Looks like NeoLaquachi and bobbyo probably will or have already voted yes for prop 106.


If you guys have had been to Commission meetings you would have already seen the ground hunters are giving up. I don't think either of you have a clue. Your in good company, our current Commission appointed by your gov. voted 4-1 to support prop. 106.


Another plus in you guys favor is that the Commission and the Department would consider most of the comments made on this site by hunters or in Commission meetings by Hunter Groups as being "The Vocal Minority".



NOT THE MAJORITY according to them.


You may get your wish.











When hunters can't see the light of day, we are screwed.

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On your 106 post I said that I was voting No on 106 and urged others to do likewise. I feel it does not conserve enough land. I even said you were right. That is not likely to happen again. It is apparent that you are displeased with the current G+F commission. I would like to know when have we had a good G+F commission? Is there a golden age of G+F commissions? Did Fife Slimington appoint the one you liked best. I feel the best thing to do would be to abolish the G+F commission. It is too immersed in politics. The duties of the commission should go to a panel of scientists from our three state universities. G+F policies should be based on science not politics! You might not agree with this solution, but at least it is an alternative. What is your solution Dave. Vote in Republicans and bring back the less wildlife more cows policy's of the Chilton commission..

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