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what would you do? i need some advice!

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Checked a water tank this morning that I am planning on hunting the first ten days of the archery deer hunt and there is a pop up blind set up on it.. what would you do?



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Leave a note with your number to coordinate hunting dates, or, if nobody's in there when you go to hunt, I'd hunt that tank. First come, first served. Just because he set up a pop-up blind doesn't make it his tank.

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Get there before they do. Crack a chem light so they see you're there and hope for the best.

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Beat him/ her to it come opening morning and its all yours. I'd probably video the encounter because you know there is going to be one. If all goes well he will understand and move on. If he's confontational you have it on film. Maybe you two could come to an agreement and share it?

Another option is to leave him a note with your # and work it out prior to the hunt. If he's not reasonable about it, set the blind on fire and find another hole. :-D

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If this is public land hunting and you are there before anyone else hunt it. First come first served is spelled out in hunt regulations under ethics. Suggest having a copy of it with you in case it needs to be referred to. Best of luck to all tag holders this hunting season.

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I would have left a note on the blind with your email or phone number so you can maybe work something out but for all you know there might be 10 other guys trying to get there early on opening day too.

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work together first, if that doen't work us the first come first serve policy

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I just hunt the trails leading to water in this case. Just make sure the wind is right for you and them. Don't want them spooking deer coming to you.

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we kinda need more info from you killdeer? Did you start planning on hunting the tank the sunday before the hunt starts an a blind was on it. or have you had a camera up since june an have checked it every weekend an then this weekend you found a blind on it?

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The golden rule of hunting water: if it's easy for you to reach, it's easy for everyone else to reach too.


I'd find yourself a spot that you have a little more sweat equity into.

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Ahh water holes......... You know,,, I really think big bucks go down wind and check for scent before they come to water. Big bucks are smart. Better off spot and stalk in my opinion. I've sat water for many years and if your on the ground the big bucks generally don't swing by(just my opinion though, nobody get angry). Even in a tree stand it needs to be established way before the hunt and up nice and high. In this case I would say God is helping you by teaching you to move to a better spot. If you must sit, make it a good situation with the wind and recently used trail. You really need to see animals there or know by camera use. Just get up on the tallest hill nearby and glass. You'll see more deer and might get a stalk.

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No one owns the spot but there is a fine line between respecting your fellow hunter and beating him in there. There are some spots that I would beat a guy in "if" I really wanted to... but there are lots of great places to hunt in the woods... For the most part the drama ain't worth the reward. Just my opinion... but I have pulled out of many a spots cuz I am tired of the drama... and have had a bunch of fun learning new spots. I won't be hunting this weekend cuz I will be scouting... I have learned hunting season is a great time to scout, too. Good Hunting!

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This really sucks. Ive been setting my trailcam for 6 months now and trying to pattern these deer on when they hit the waterhole and I just went to check my cam yesterday and there was a treestand 20 yards away! I was pissed off and thought really hard for plan b. I've been working hard for this and it just sucks. But I agree god is sending me to the right direction and when its the right time it will happen. Happy hunting everybody! I will setup on the trail that leads to the waterhole!

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