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And then there were ....157....

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I knew the lowest number the computer randomly assigned me this year (of my 21 points) was finally an extremely low one --- that's a given. And my tag did come in the "1-2 Pass."


Like you guys have stated, in the "20% Pass" it's statistically improbable that out of 598 total applicants (24-, 23-, and 22-point holders added together), 21 tags (the 20% figure of the 107 total sheep tags to be drawn) would NOT have been awarded, given the 48 total sheep "hunt numbers" and both the 1st/2nd hunt choices considered for each applicant. 598 applicants x 2 choices each = "20% Pass" is FULL!


It's evident none of those 21 first-drawn by the computer had selected my hunt number as their 1st/2nd choice --- LUCKY ME!!!


So what to do for you high point holders??? You need to take a look, analytically, at the 2 choices you enter on your application. Do you absolutely have to hunt the most sought-after hunt unit, and kill a 180-class ram? Only 21 lucky hunters will get drawn in the "20% Pass" --- the odds are against you. Then you're re-entered into the "1-2 Pass" and given a completely new lottery number for that drawing. Like Dirty Harry said, "Do you feel lucky?" Here's where you hope, MOST IMPORTANTLY, to get a VERY low number, AND the hunt number you've picked hasn't been filled.


You CAN eliminate some hunt numbers when you apply and improve your odds a bit. You may have to readjust your thinking --- I applied for hunt numbers different than past years. Still, I admit I got lucky with my low number in the 1-2 draw ...

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Let's face it. All of us that have max points are pretty unlucky in drawing sheep tags! When you get 157 unlucky people together...someone has to get lucky! :unsure:

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