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I'm just curious if there is a huge uptick in E-scouting this year? It seems like every time I log on there is a new request for needing an area to go hunt. It's pretty tough to find a "quality" area to hunt. So many tags given out and a lot of different rifle hunts going on back to back.


I know I'm a wt junky and I'm thankful I have the ability to go scouting and spend time in the field on a regular basis. I just can't see me giving up info to random E-scouting scenarios.


What's everybody's take on this?


I've certainly had help from guys on this forum, and one of those guys I owe a pretty big buck to. Where you at Cody.... LOL


Anyway, maybe I becoming an Ebenezer in my old age........


On a final note, if any of you guys want to pm me coordinates of monster bucks, I just cleaned up my inbox so I have plenty of room for new messages.

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Don't know if it's worse or I'm just noticing it more? Usually this time of year lots are asking for "not your honey hole" or "I plan on scouting alot" I'm not bothered by it, I'll help if I can. I'm with you though.

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Seems like it bothers some and others don't mind. I drew a 34a tag with my son and asked for help. It was basically a last choice hunt to ensure we got a tag so I knew it would be a challenge. I enjoy helping others and love seeing hunter's success. The internet can be a great tool and if a hunter isn't using it to gain all the knowledge he can he is losing out.

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I agree with you. I don't mind helping people if they're willing to help themselves, but just giving up good info to anybody that won't put in any effort does not fly with me. Although I do enjoy helping out first time hunters and getting them there first animals more than I enjoy shooting one for myself. The only reason I don't like to give out good Info is because good info spreads like wild fire. I told a couple people about a good mule deer spot about 5 years ago. I guess they told a couple people and then they told a couple and so on, because before that I would hunt there and see one other guy now I don't even hunt there anymore because it's over run with hunters. It sucks!




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I agree with you guys for sure. I do find it funny and for some reason always get a little chuckle out of some of "not your honey hole" posts.

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The wave of E-Scouters hit the web every year right after the draw. I Don't mind helping active members, any way that I can.


I don't care much for a new members whose first post is asking where to find deer, then you never hear from them again.


I did help out a new guy on Monster Mulies, some years ago. His young son drew a Hunt in Unit 27. I gave him detailed info on where to go and what to do, and his son shot his first deer; a small whitetail. He emailed me after the hunt and thanked me for the help.


I'm not looking for your honey hole, but................ ;)

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Most everyone I have heard from, looking for help in units, are either new to coues hunting or new to the area. I am a hunting freak and I was blessed to learned the how to hunt the areas I hunt from my Dad and Uncles. The way I see it, some people my not have had the same luck to have a mentor to teach them how or where to hunt. I keep that in the back of my mind when I help people, as much as I can, when they ask for help in a unit.

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My favorite, "I've never been in this unit, but a drew a tag for it, first choice!" I was in that situation last year, but I scouted a bunch, and I was on google earth so much that my GF thought I had a problem, lol. When hunters put out the feelers for a starting location, and it's a unit I've hunted and don't plan on hunting in the near future, I'll help out. But please, use PM's when giving info! Anyone can google search a unit number and BAM! Pages and pages of info...

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I didn't get into hunting until I was in my early 20s, was raised by my grandparents and my grandfather and I had almost a 60 year age gap. I missed out on about everything a son could possibly do with his father.


I get your point for sure that some people have never hunted and had no one to teach them.


But on the other hand, there is massive amount of "how to info" on this site and on the web in general. Any effort into research and a solid day of driving your unit and checking for access points is all you need to get started.


Just a friendly reminder to all, my inbox is ready to receive coordinates.........

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I won't tell people anything online that I wouldn't tell them if I met them in person. I really follow the golden rule with hunting area tips. One day, I might draw an elk tag in an area that they might know about- so I won't burn bridges by stonewalling what seem like decent folks.

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It seems to me that the e-scouters get worse every year. I don't mind helping out to a point but hate that so much information is shared openly when it could be done through a PM. I cringe everytime I see one of the units I hunt in a post's title as I know information I worked for is bound to be posted openly.

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Soooo. I drew a 13B gun tag on my 17th choice with 38 preference points, never stepped foot in the unit, looking for nothing less then a 270"er. I don't have a quad or a 4x4, only one leg, can't afford a guide, and don't have time to scout. Can you guys help me out?!? Not looking for anyone's honey hole, I'd like EVERYONE'S honey hole.

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Soooo. I drew a 13B gun tag on my 17th choice with 38 preference points, never stepped foot in the unit, looking for nothing less then a 270"er. I don't have a quad or a 4x4, only one leg, can't afford a guide, and don't have time to scout. Can you guys help me out?!? Not looking for anyone's honey hole, I'd like EVERYONE'S honey hole.


Sounds just like the modus operandi of an E-Scouter. :lol:


Back in the day, we didn't do much scouting. We made camp, and went hunting. That's how we learned our hunting areas. Lots of worn out boots.

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I don't have a problem with it. I won't give exact coordinates, but I don't mind helping a guy/gal out by putting them in a general area to start. We're all busy, money is tight, work schedules, kids.......life sometimes takes over and it's hard to break away a couple times a month. And if that person never posts again, oh well.


Never know when your time on earth is up. Your hunting spots won't do you any good in Heaven! :)

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