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Called another bear in Close 7 yards.

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I was in 22s and didn't see shiznit, let alone it was hot as ballz. Just glassed, I might have to get a call and try and bring me in.

I didn't hear any shots either so I'm curious to see if its still open after this week.

Ditto for 23S! I didn't hear or see anything the last two days. Did see a to of deer so I know the optics were working. One of the ranchers said they weren't in the pears this year, at least not in that area. The heat in the late afternoon is unbearable!


Last year was a great year for pear production, so botanically speaking, this year would need to have significantly lower fruit yield. Combine that our poor winter rains, and the ranchers observations make perfect sense. The pears will be tougher this year to hunt.

Are the Bears just not coming to the Pears because of a good Acorn Crop or is it just not enough pears. Just wondering since I will be heading out during the archery hunt

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We had several oportunites yesterday, but were unable to close the deal. My buddy glassed one up early and got a shot, but missed. We called one in around 4pm to about 80 yards, but the Bear circled down wind and caught or wind and spooked.


This is an in between food year. Not alot of Pears or Acorns. The Bears will be more spread out looking for food. I like these type of food years. I think it's easier to find the Bears, because they will be constantly moving and serching for food. I think most the Bears will be in the scrup oak hill sides with thick bottoms that have water. Hope this helps.


Good luck


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I was in 22s and didn't see shiznit, let alone it was hot as ballz. Just glassed, I might have to get a call and try and bring me in.

I didn't hear any shots either so I'm curious to see if its still open after this week.

Ditto for 23S! I didn't hear or see anything the last two days. Did see a to of deer so I know the optics were working. One of the ranchers said they weren't in the pears this year, at least not in that area. The heat in the late afternoon is unbearable!


Last year was a great year for pear production, so botanically speaking, this year would need to have significantly lower fruit yield. Combine that oanzanitaur poor winter rains, and the ranchers observations make perfect sense. The pears will be tougher this year to hunt.

Are the Bears just not coming to the Pears because of a good Acorn Crop or is it just not enough pears. Just wondering since I will be heading out during the archery hunt


Some bears will always make it to the pears, just not in the huge numbers like last year. I agree with Adam, on watching for movement in and out of oak thickets, and don't forget the manzanita thickets!

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