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IA Born

.22LR Brick For Sale

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A couple months ago, I was able to pick up a brick (500 rds) of steel cased .22LR for my daughter. I bit the bullet (pardon the pun) and paid the crazy price so that my daughter could keep shooting. Turns out it doesn't eject from her Cricket. After the first shot, the case expanded so much it wouldn't eject with the bolt and I had to use a screw driver to get the spent case out. The only way empty cases would eject is when I sprayed the chamber with lube. That's no way for her to practice. She shot five rounds from one box before I lost my patience. I was recently fortunate to come across a couple of bricks of Winchester, which works flawlessly. In order to recoup some of the money, I told my wife I'd post up the steel-cased ammo, hoping someone else would have better luck. I've never tried it in a semi-auto or any other rifle, so I have no idea how it performs. After 5 shots, I was mad enough to not want to try it anymore.


Asking $45 for the brick (495 rounds) to recoup some of the money I paid for it. FTF only; no shipping. I'm in Flagstaff and I won't be traveling to the Valley anytime soon, but I should be in Pinetop 17-18 August.



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