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Did a little salmon and halibut fishing after my hitch.

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My uncle convinced me to stay in Alaska an extra week so he could come up to do some fishing, I hadn't planned on doing my usual week this year with being in the middle of home buying. But wasn't a hard convincing since my buddy gave me his place and truck for the week plus a few of us were off the slope at the same time and its the small town I ran the airport in 9 years ago. We missed the big salmon run by a week but we caught a few and to me there isn't a much better way to spend a summer night than being waste deep in the Kenai River watching the sunset after midnight. Another reason this was a great trip is in all my years visiting and now working in Alaska I have driven and been in a hovercraft over the frozen arctic ocean but this was my first time out on a boat and deep sea fishing. Had really weird weather for the area with lots of fog and wind, so when we went out for halibut we had to stay closer in and still had heavy seas. We also got lucky and I was able to spot some young grizzlies crossing a stream bed on the way back from Seward on our tourist day, was fun to see my uncles face when he saw his first grizzlies.


My Russian River salmon.



Kept catching dinkers but right at the end I ended up hooking a 40 pounder to get the biggest of the day.



Group photo. I will say I highly recommend this charter company, they really go out of the way to treat you right and not just a payday. I will be using them again next year.


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Thanks for sharing. Sounds and looks FUN. Someday I will hopefully get there.

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