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It just keeps getting better ....

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Now Charlie Rangel is calling Tea Party Members "White Crackers" ...


So tell me something Mr. Rangel ... who's the racist??? You obviously mean this term in a derogatory manner, and that sir is RACISM.


By the way D-BAG ... you are an unethical piece of CRAP, and you should not be allowed to serve in the House given your past transgressions.

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Uh .... yeah pal .... your opinion really counts.




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Yep ... you are just as ethical as the rest of them.

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We can all thank our racist President for the radical increase in racism.......and the media rolls right along with it.


It's the only card the ignorant left knows how to play. That and it's "Bush's fault"

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I've been trying not to come across as a racist, urban hater, biggot, or just plain racist for years. I've been on this sight for over 7 years. I'm sick of black politicians calling me a racist and I'm sick of blak radicalism, and racism!!! I was born here, my grandparents who imagrated here did it legally thru Ellis island! I'm not an Italian gangster even though I'm Italian by background, m an American!! My ancestors and family are miners (some extremely successfull) I don't give a dang about the black plight and sure as heck don't care what color a man is, president or not! As long as he/they concern themself with the core American

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I'm not a racist. I hate all liberals, regardless of, race, color, or creed. ;)


My great Grandfather came to this country from Norway in the early 1900's, Long after slavery was abolished by "REPUBLICANS"


I don't care if our President is black. Our current President is evil, corrupt, and has an agenda that is destructive to the American, and Patriotic way of life.


I would fully support a black President, such as Dr. Ben Carson. Somebody that has a realistic sense of direction, and conservative values.

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