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Obama praises Ho Chi Minh

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I'm not making it up. Read it in the Wall Street Journal. The dummy actually resurrected the old Ho Chi Minh was influenced by the US Constitution and the Founding Fathers (esp. Jefferson) line that the Anti-War dopes were spouting in the 60's and 70's.


Yeah ODUMMER ... he was so influenced that he MURDERED 100,000 political dissidents to his regimne right after taking power.


What a JOKE. Our President is an IDIOT!!!!!!

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Obama would gladly exterminate all of us Conservatives....just ask the IRS.....and the NSA.


And now there is more of a rift between Obama and Putin, over the Russian Asylum for Snowden. I hope the whole world sticks it to Obama. Everybody except his lapdogs can see what a joke he is.


Obama would kill us all tomorrow if he could, and the media would praise him for it

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The media needs to be overhauled. They are a bigger joke than the dope they propped up.

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The media needs to be overhauled. They are a bigger joke than the dope they propped up.

If I had the power, the first thing I would do is lay down restrictions on the media that would make their head spin.


Freedom of the press, has gone to far.


The Zimmerman case and all the collateral racial damage is just one example

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Dont know how many times I have said this on this forum butI I'll say it again WAKE UP AMERICA, or You gonna lose it.

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There are plenty of people who are awake. Just not enough that actually cast votes and make a difference.


I think it is pretty clear that it is not just the Dems who suck ... there aren't many vocal Conservatives in office ... and there are a bunch of D-Bags like McLame in there that are screwing things up just as bad as Obama and his crew.

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Boehner, McCain, Mcconnel,.........they all need to be shown the exit door. The GOP will never survive unless we get rid of these types. I think hardcore conservatism is going the way of the Dodo bird.

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Politicians are not about solutions to problems...they are about votes! Perpetuating power is more important to them than the mess this country is in. This nation has a huge moral and spiritual problem. The solution lies in the hands of people like the ones who frequent this forum. I'm convinced that drastic action is going to have to happen if we want to save our country. Tax revolt...stop giving them our money! Conservative states, counties, and communities need to quit playing the game. It has to start on an individual level and hopefully grow from there. 2 Chronicles 7:14...prayer, repentance, and turning from evil. If enough people will pray, surely God will deliver us from this moronic administration with its arrogant pursuit of the destruction of this nation!

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Obama gave corporations a delay in Obamacare

Congress gave themselves an exemption this week

The PEOPLE get jack squat.

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The answer to Obamacare is simply for all Americans to refuse to participate......refuse to pay fines.......refuse to cooperate with the IRS......and basically tell Obama to stuff it in a dark place.


Jan Brewer sold us out on the Arizona exchange by taking the Federal Medicaid money......and whatever payoff she received.


We are all on the the bottom of a cliff.......being pee'd on by the Politicians standing at the top.

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