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Broken Wheels

Scope Mounting Question

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I have a question folks: has anyone ever run across a set of rings (1") that you could not start the top ring screws on both sides? I can barely start one side and still NOT be able to start threading on the other side for some reason. The scope is an older model Swarovski 6-18x50 AV (1") and the rings/bases are DNZ all going on a Browning A Bolt Gold Medallion. I am no rookie so this isn't my first scope mounting rodeo but I will be danged if I can figure this one out. I am open to your thoughts and suggestions, thank you in advance!


Broken Wheels

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I would take a set of calipers and do some measurement to se if it is the scope or rings? Or take the rings and put them against another 1" scope, that should give you an idea real fast which one it is? Just a thought.

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Bad scope!!! I will take that bulged, bent swaro off your hands and dispose of it for you!! Glad to see you kept that off of your Encore, that scope was very tempting the first time you listed those Encores.


As for your scope mounting problem, Sounds like maybe a bad base. Are you able to put the screws in without the scope? If so, since it is DNZ I assume it is a 1 piece mount. If so, I would almost be certain the mount is bad, or your really do have a scope that is bent from previous installation. If it is a 2 piece mount, although not very common, your holes in the top of your gun's reciever could be drilled crooked. I used to see this in about 1-100 rifles.

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Gentlemen, I made the old man mistake of assuming what was in the package must certainly be what is listed on the package and it was not. The scope as I knew was a 1", then confirmed it with a mic (another old man syndrome not trusting your memory), so yes the DNZ product I was sold is not correct, a simple answer most the time but an oversight on my part. I appreciate all your input on this rather embarrassing question of such an obvious answer. Good hunting and God Bless the United States of America!

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