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Ever mess up someone's hunt?

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I have been here for 10 years and over that time I have read countless of stories of other hunters messing up your chances of harvesting a critter, here's the die hard question, have you ever messed up another hunter's opportunity to harvest?


I may have done this one time, I glassed up a herd of javelina and about 80 yds below them were 4 hunters classing the opposite hill side, it was my last day to hunt so I decided to avoid the hunters and circle around and come down on the herd, it all went perfect and was able to harvest a pig 140 yds away from 4 guys about an hour after glassing them up, they turned around as I whooped And hollered, and all i could do wad point them in the direction the other pigs took off in, I never told them the pigs were behind them the whole time

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ya hats not messing up someones hunt, you gave them plenty of time to find them, its not like you shot over there shoulder like these guides do. my son had a hunt in 3a 3c bull hunt we were in a small draw whaching a heard of elk that need to come a little closer , there was a group of guys 3 to be exsact won't give ethinickticity and i waved them of numerouse times and even approuch them and let them we were watching a bull and some cows waiting to get a shot , i thought they walked away but they went above use and shot the bull over our head then they had the wavouse to ask for our help, well they didn't get our help but they did get a piece of our minds. NOW THATS FXXN UP someones hunt. ethics are everything first come first serve but some don't have a clue. if your one of these people out there UP YOURS! You did fine now these weren't guides this time but they done me even worse, didn't no a guides liesence ment you owned the woods either. man you asked a loaded question!!

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I've walked up on a lot of guys in tree stands. Don't know that I blew any opportunities for them though. I know there is a guy out there who thinks I messed up his hunt when he tried to cut us off on a stalk and we still beat him to it.

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Out bear hunting with an electronic predator call using the baby fawn call while 2 other hunters started walking my way. They knew I was in the area but not my exact location. I don't think they ever heard an electronic call be for. So I started playing games with them. As they she i treated by the noise they started walking closer. So I paused it and they stopped and stood still till I started it again. I was having a blast tricking them and every time I paused it they would stop and wait. I finally paused it for about 10 mins and they didn't move a muscle. I think they actually thought they where coming upon something good. Little did they that when they got to the ten yard mark I was going to switch the call to an angry mt. Lion roar. So at ten yards I let out the roar and they both jumped out of thier skin. Shortly realizing that it was a call they spotted me waved and walked away. Boy did I have a good laugh. :)

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only once -- elk hunting - archery -- I had built a ground blind on a tank for an elderly guy in his 70's - there were a few old tree stands around been there for yrs. we hunted the blind the first 2 days and decided to give it a break and try someplace else .


we returned the morning of the 4th to find the blind completely torn apart and basically removed. we noticed a new tree stand in the tree.

that evening I visited the tank to find a guy in the stand - he asked me to leave - I asked him why he tore the blind down - he denied it. I explained about the older hunter - I was told rudely to go away this was his tank and he'd been hunting for yrs. I stayed till after dark.

since we were camped 1/4 mile away - I told him I'd be back tomorrow to rebuild the blind and hoped he understand that this wasn't his tank . we planed on having the elderly guy in the blind everyday and if he wanted to be in the stand then he'd have to get use to it! normally id would have left and hunted someplace else but the fact that he tore the blind apart ticked me off.


if he thought we would just give up and move he was sadly mistaken so if he wanted to share ok or he was the one who'd have to leave .


when he returned the next day we were already in the rebuilt blind - the old guy didn't mind setting there all day and evening - we just brought him stuff.


The guy ranted and raved and we told him if he wanted to waste his time to just come back. but we were not leaving .


we watched as he removed his stand and left. cuzing us out loudly to scare any animals away.

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haven't messed up anybody's hunt but have had people honk their horn's at me during archerydeer season, even had a group of people in the back of a truck driving threw the forest banging pots an pans during archery elk season one year

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No idea if I've ever messed up someones hunt. Half of the time I've been messed up the other guy never knew I was there. That's public land hunting though and just part of the game.

Once on a 23 Dec whitey hunt I sat down and started glassing. Little did i know I sat down like 10 feet in front of these other two guys who had gotten there before me. I was so focused on the opposite slopes that I never noticed them. They were cool and were laughing about it. I was embarrassed and quickly moved on.

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Not really. Once, when I was hunting a very crowded unit in Colorado, I was still hunting through an aspen grove and found a water hole......and then I found the guy in the tree stand overlooking the water hole. I just waived and retreated from the area.


The majority of my hunting takes place in Unit 27. I get off the beaten path, and rarely have to worry about anyone else.

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I was scouting for elk in 3c a few years ago and pull up on a waterhole that was right on the side of the 139a which is a rather heavily used road during hunting season, I parked my jeep on the road and hopped out and walked around the water looking at tracks and never once looked up. I walked back to my jeep, windows down with some good ole country music playing, reached in the cooler for a beer or me and my co pilot and that's when I heard pssssst psssssst... So I looked up and there's a archery deer hunter in a tree stand not 5 yards from the road. I said "sorry about that" and started to get In my jeep when he said " no problem, do you mind If I have a beer" I just laughed, grabbed another beer and a cold water and walked to the tree and tossed both up to him. We had a good laugh and went on our way.

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I was scouting for elk in 3c a few years ago and pull up on a waterhole that was right on the side of the 139a which is a rather heavily used road during hunting season, I parked my jeep on the road and hopped out and walked around the water looking at tracks and never once looked up. I walked back to my jeep, windows down with some good ole country music playing, reached in the cooler for a beer or me and my co pilot and that's when I heard pssssst psssssst... So I looked up and there's a archery deer hunter in a tree stand not 5 yards from the road. I said "sorry about that" and started to get In my jeep when he said " no problem, do you mind If I have a beer" I just laughed, grabbed another beer and a cold water and walked to the tree and tossed both up to him. We had a good laugh and went on our way.

thats funny! now that's the way it should go down!
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The only hunts I have screwed up (to my knowledge) are my own. Having said that, if I messed someones up I would graciously apologize and hope the other hunter would be understanding. Its everyone's forest...gotta share it and be respectful.


However I do remember an instance deer hunting on the rim when a man (who was fairly rude) and his little kid screwed up a stalk for my ol' man. I was a teenager at the time and remember asking my dad why he didn't say much. He said that he didn't want to ruin the experience for the little boy and when I had a kid I would understand. It was actually a pretty good lesson...didn't give my old man the credit he deserved at the time.

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I was in a groundblind I built off a water tank in 22N last year for spring archery bear. It was 1.5 miles off the road and did have a rugged old two-track road that led to it. I sat that water beginning at 4 am. Finally, around 7 pm, I heard something slowly and carefully coming in. About 5 minutes later, I began to hear a far off rumble that ended 10 minutes later with a hunter on his quad circling the tank twice at the water's edge looking for bear tracks. I then popped out of my brush-made blind and shocked him severely with my presence. He apologized for ruining my hunt and mentioned that he saw my jeep parked off the road, but he couldn't imagine that anyone would have hiked in that far to hunt. He drove off and actually waited for me by my Jeep to apologize again when I finally hiked out around 9 pm. We exchanged hunting suggestions and parted sith pleasanties.

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I'm not proud to admit that I've been "that guy" but I learned my lesson and there's no way I'd do it again. In fact if I saw the other hunter again I'd apologize and buy him a beer or whatever his drink of choice might be...if you read this and it sounds familiar let me know. I'd honestly like to apologize.


This was my first AZ deer hunt (not a valid excuse I know) a few years ago on a mulie tag. Hunting an area I didn't know at all with a friend who had only hunted it a few times. We had one hill picked out that would be our focus...first mistake not having several spots in mind. Arrived to find a truck at the access point to the hill...getting ready to go look for another spot and noticed the other hunter still there. I politely asked if we could share the hill and would stay out of their way. Turns out we were planning to hunt opposite sides of the hill anyway. I got an "It's a free country" in response and should have read that as "Don't be a jerk" but I didn't...second mistake. We hunted our side of the hill and never saw the other hunters. Saw no deer either and watched one other hunter a mile or so away kill a mulie. Only shot we heard the whole hunt and all we saw were whitetail does.


My buddy and I even talked about it sitting on the hill glassing and weren't sure if we had done the right thing or not. Half expected to have a note on the truck when we climbed down...or worse. Probably deserved it.


Again, not proud but learned my lesson. Have had similar situations since and have backed out and left the area to the other hunter.

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Guest akaspecials

I was on an early archery bull hunt in 4a. I had been following a herd for about a mile and kept trying to get in front of them and get a shot at the herd bull. About 2 miles in I saw another hunter that was doing the same thing I was. We ended up working as a team in the thick brush, but the dang bull was too smart and kept cows between him and us no matter that we did. Anyways, after they bedded up we both decided not to risk pushing them off their beds and we parted ways. It was ten am at this point and I figured I’d high tail it back to camp. I was going pretty fast and I scared up a small 6x6 as I plowed back to camp.


Right after the bull took off, two older guys emerged from the woods about 100 yards from the other side of the elk. I got an earful from two guys that I just ruined their chance at the biggest bull in the woods and I needed to slow the eff down so I didn’t ruin other people’s hunts and scare all the animals off. They were very much under the impression that I was in the wrong for walking back to camp and scaring off "their" bull. I apologized and politely explained I was cruising back to camp and didn't mean to scare off the bull they were chasing. They continued to curse at me for ruining their hunt so I left them there with a smile and a half hearted "good luck". Other people are in the woods too. It’s part of public land hunting near roads...

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