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Luck of the Draw

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Well I got number 40 of 40 permits for the late Dec 36a hunt, I guess I got the luck of the draw. Still new to this Coues hunting. Last year no luck, the year before I got my first in 36A :) I know it is the rut, or the start of it. Anyone use the deer scents?? or rattlin?? any area better then any other area during that time any help would be appreciated. I Love this site!!!!

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Nice job on permit #40. That has happened to me once in 40 years of applying. My Dad and I got the last 2 one time.


Form what I know, the peak of the rut does not hit until the first week of January, in some areas, and sometimes even later in the most southern units. There could be some rut activity, or pre rut, depending if the weather is cold enough to entice the bucks to start moving more. But it all comes down to the does being in "heat".


I have no experience with rattling. Scents can work if the core area has scrapes that are being checked by the bucks?

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Some scents have been outlawed. Need to check on that before using. Rattling should be more effective just before the rut hits hard. I've tried it during the January archery hunts with not a lot of success.

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You will still not see much hardcore rutting action in my opinion. You may see a buck every now and again following does but it's not anything like mid January. Don't waste your time with rattling. You are on a rifle hunt. What is nice about your hunt is not so much the timing as it is there is no one else out there with you. Don't get me wrong it is nice tag, but its not full blown rut. Get up high and just glass. There are tons of deer there. You will be fine.

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