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Kidso this is for you!

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I saw another post with a pic of a good sized pile of bear crap and it reminded me of these piles I saw last year. There was 7-8 piles and some were huge! How big do you think this bear is?





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Not to sure about the size of the bear but you have found one of his resting places. Thanks for sharing. :)



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Juniper and Manzanita Berry Crunch! One of my personal favorites, which can only be topped by the Oak Nut Manzanita Berry Log which keeps the integrity of its shape longer. Splendid! The diameter of the intact logs near the juniper trunk look to be around 2 inches, so I would venture 200 pounds (+/- 50 pounds). I use the estimate of 100 pounds body weight per inch of stool diameter (+ or - 50 pounds) for non-constipated healthy bears utilizing natural food sources.

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Juniper and Manzanita Berry Crunch! One of my personal favorites, which can only be topped by the Oak Nut Manzanita Berry Log which keeps the integrity of its shape longer. Splendid! The diameter of the intact logs near the juniper trunk look to be around 2 inches, so I would venture 200 pounds (+/- 50 pounds). I use the estimate of 100 pounds body weight per inch of stool diameter (+ or - 50 pounds) for non-constipated healthy bears utilizing natural food sources.


Wow, very scientific! Sounds like a great thesis.

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