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34a - help!

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Drew my 4th choice :wacko: . Will be my 14 yr old son and I. End of october rifle hunt. Will be my first rifle hunt in 8 years so it's kinda exciting. Hunting together with my son is definately going to be fun. Can somebody out there shoot me a pm on where would be a good area to start scouting? Looks to be a popular hunt = a lot of tags so I'm sure a lot of guys have had this tag before. I live 8 hrs from the unit, but plan on spending at least one 3 day scouting trip prior to season. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks boys,



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update - Rifles have arrived. Sako rifles have been my favorite for years. Have been trying to decide on scopes for the last few days. Probably go leupold or zeiss. Not a fan of vortex.


Anyone have a couple 4.5x14 or 6.5x20 they have lying around collecting dust?


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Great tag,Been hunting 34a since the 70's I don't think i ever ever been there and not had a chance to harvest a buck where I

hunt or use to just to many drug runners good luck and be safe.I wont take my family there anymore,my brother still hunts there every year with my nephews and they do good,and still one of the best units for a 95+ buck it's just not worth it t me


Seldom Drawn

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Send Me a pm. I live in the northern part of thr unit and have hunted that hunt the last few years, tryin a new spot this year so don't mind sharing info I have. Goodluck.

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Man, I love southern AZ. So much wildlife - you forget about that when you live in a place like I do :( . Well, 30 minutes after setting up the glass I spot 3 bucks. All 8pts from 70"-85". My son and I aren't looking for giants so all 3 are shooters in our eyes.


Next critter I run into was a nice sized horned toad. He was quite friendly and seemed to enjoy being apart of some picture taking.post-4763-0-36309700-1381692610_thumb.jpg


Continuing on I ran into a doe and fawn. The doe wandered over the ridge, but her fawn stuck around long enough for me to drop my pack a snap a quick pic.



I went to a spot a CWT member told me about and started up a canyon that took around 30 minutes to hike. Within 20 minutes I jumped up a bear and a herd of javelina. Coming back from the spot in the same ravine I come across 4 turkey. post-4763-0-05762300-1381693621_thumb.jpg


While I still had my camera out I hiked a short distance further and jumped this bedded doepost-4763-0-71184100-1381693781_thumb.jpg


The next day I traveled to a different side of the unit and found this guy. He didn't want to be photographed very much and "hissed" his way into some cover. His total length was approx 13".


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Nice Pics.


You definitely want the USFS map for Santa Ritas (others included) and maybe the National Geographic maps for Arizona which will include 34A.


All I got is stay away from the motocross course on the east side -- I have never seen so much off road trails in my life.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I spent a lot of time glassing 1.25 days on the way to greaterville. Glassed up a lot of does, but no bucks. That side of the unit seems to have a lot of "traffic" as it seemed like under every good shade tree was an old blanket, ripped up backpack or other litter left behind. Also found a wash with 2 gallon jugs of water, a loaf of bread and bologne. I marked that area as one not to return...

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Well, the hunt has passed and now it's time to begin planning next year's adventures. We ended up driving all night Friday night and arriving to a spot Saturday morning @ 3:50am. Just enough time to shower and change clothes. Saturday we found 8 bucks and my son shot his buck Saturday afternoon. A nice little 6 pt @ 338 yds.



Sunday through Wednesday was some of the worst winds I have ever hunted in. It was miserable to say the least. I was stuck on taking a 75" 8pt or better or go home empty handed. Well, I went home empty handed. :( Even though the winds made it extremely difficult to glass we were able to see 111 deer in 5 days with 19 of those being bucks. I only saw 2 - 8pts and missed my shot on both of them :wacko:. Over 300 practice rounds did me no favors with 30mph winds.


I learned a few things hunting down south. Lots of stickers everywhere. Mountains are a lot steeper than they appear. Deer densities are insane. I WILL BE BACK :D


My son boiled his rack and we'll put it on a plaque in his room once finished.



Wanted to say thanks to Oneshot on this forum. Very generous guy. Thanks,



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Wow, awesome to see things come full circle. CW continues to amaze me with the good people you meet here! Congrats!

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