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Tommy reporting from the 'Supreme-has anybody here got out?

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I got out last week for my first tuna trip. Had a great 1-1/2 day trip on the Shogun. The boat did real well landing 101 fish, my buddy and I not so well only landed one each. I caught a nice smaller bluefin and he caught a small yellowtail. The biggest bluefin was probably in the 50 to 60 # range. Total bluefin was 49. I am looking forward to a multi day trip next year to try and hone both my luck an skill :)

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I've been watching the reports for a month or so but the catches are too low for me to anty up the coin to go. Maybe in another month or in September is the bite stays consistent.

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anyway the best bluefin bite in my lifetime. 2009 was great but this is beyond what any 'dego skipper has seen ever. i can't go but i suggest anyone looking for a trophy tuna buy a ticket...now....good luck and ignore the $#^$%%^&*$!



Royal Polaris A Good Day longrange06.gif Tue Jul 16 2013, 08:19AM by Richie
Hello everyone; Today was a good day. Our morning started out very slow, with only a few yellowtail under kelps, and most of them we released. But around 14:00 hours, it was game on. We found a school, and we started drifting and didn't start the boat until 19:30 hours. We ended our day with 86 Bluefin tuna, most were in the 50 to 60 pound range, with a few in the 70 to 80 pound range. It was a beautiful grade of fish. We are now under way looking for another school, but most of our anglers are down for the count. So until fingers and keyboard meet again, good luck and good fishing. The R/p crew.
"Keeping Rods Bent"
For a complete season schedule on the Royal Polaris CLICK HERE then call 619-226-8030 for more information and to book your trip
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