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Have you tried this tc?

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I have 3 of the primos truth 35 but not the "ultra." It's the model before that. They are going on 5 years old...not a single issue and have terrific resolution. All my primos cams have the same mega pixel count. If you want to see some examples looks at some of the pics I have posted up. If my old ones work good then I would venture to say the ultra is good too. I've said it before.....people will knock the primos brand but their cameras have very few customer complaints compared to others.

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All I have heard was not good about the Truth Cam 35, hope the ultra is better.

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All I have heard was not good about the Truth Cam 35, hope the ultra is better.


That's funny....guess our opinions didn't help this decision :)

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All I have heard was not good about the Truth Cam 35, hope the ultra is better.

That's funny....guess our opinions didn't help this decision :)

I will have to say that, I have not used one and the info was from two guys that work at one of the sporting goods stores. Not sure if they were trying to get me to buy a more expensive unit or not. Maybe I am talking out of my a$$. CouesBuckhunter; have you looked on other sites and the online stores at their reviews?

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Yeah but it is 50/50. Reconyx just contacted me back and said their ultrafire series won't be out until next year... So I can use that money for other cams now.

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I've had 50/50 results in 2012 with the Primos Truth Cam 35, it took pics all winter of 2011, and during the monsoon season last year it was down south and after the monsoons I had retrieved it before the August opener and it had failed.It had something to do with the SD card reader. Sent it in they sent me a new one under warranty and this brand new warranty camera has been down south on the same spot for 8 months without a hiccup of any sort and it takes great pictures. I guess we'll see this summer if its going to last.

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