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Big Browns

Lake Mead Fishing Trip

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My wife and I went to Lake Mead on Saturday afternoon with some good friends. This was the first time my wife and I had every fished for Stripers. We were hoping the Striper's would be biting good, unfortunately they were not. We got on the water around 4:30 on Saturday afternoon. After trolling and casting we were able to land about a dozen Stripers and a few LM & SM Bass. All the Stripers were about 1 1/2-2 pounds. The most exciting part of the day was seeing my wife catch the fish. She has very limited fishing experience. Watching her get her first hit was great. She get's very animated! She did a great job and had a lot of fun. We fished until about 9pm Saturday night and called it a night. We were up early the next morning to hopefully find some good top water action. That was less than optimal. We landed some fish on top water and a few more Stripers, but over all the morning bite was very slow. We had a great time and I'm really looking forward to going Striper fishing again.


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It was a fun trip I hope you guy's enjoyed it. Next time I will break down and get some chovies to try and get more bites.

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I forgot to hold my hand out to make the fish bigger:) I won't forget next time. The moon was Awesome that night. Thanks again for taking us out Jim.

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Looks like you guys were near Temple Bar to me. Striper fishing tough during the day, awesome at night! Bass fishing good too, just like you said.


Looks like you had fun and that is what counts!


Capt. Don Martin

Striper Hunters

Meadview AZ

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We did have fun.The Last couple years we could catch stripers with ease from around 6 to 10 pm just trolling rattle traps. This year that bite has not been happening.

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