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August Archery

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What are the behavior and locations of deer during the august archery season in the desert in comparison to the early rifle hunts? It seems like it'd be too hot for them to be moving around and feeding during the day like deer do in the forest that time of year. Do people usually hunt water or do they move enough that you can glass and spot and stalk? Thanks for your input. I just haven't been out before in the desert that time of year.

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use to do spot n stalk in 22.... in the foothills of 4 peaks east side by Rosey. seen plenty of deer but it's hot and dry and STEEP!

from my observance they are pretty much the same... feed mornings and evenings and hit water from late morning til early afternoon.

those steep canyons provide ample shade in the late afternoon. we mostly hunted muleys but we were seeing more and more coues the more time we spent out. you can glass bucks in there beds but hard to stay out when it's 100 deg +

you will have the hills mostly to yourself.

hung a camera on a G&F tank and was getting bucks almost daily, until it was time to hunt.. I had a hard time staying in the blind. by 10:00 am I was in my underoos!

Hit me up with a pm I think we hunted some of the same areas last January.

maybe trade some info.



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The areas we used to hunt coues in august were great for glassing and in around the 4,000 ft. mark. The bucks we watched were up and moving at first light till 7:30 or 8:00. It was like a switch after 8:00 we only glassed bedded deer. I shot a buck in august same area the next year on rifle hunt (October) same area I shot another buck. We don't hunt down there anymore in august due to the heat.

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