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What do Coues deer taste like?

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I'm sure it's the way I grew up but you guys eat your deer meat way different than I ever will. Honestly never really thought about doing anything to special with it. Craziest I've got so far is grilling it an that's only because that's how my wife and kids love it. Otherwise I would never do anything but batter an fry it. Make some gravy along with fried potatoes. I'm sure those other recipes are good an work for you but for the way I was raised its just odd.


That's how I've always done it and how it grew up eating it. Figured of it ain't broke don't fix it.



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+1 for couse.. I think most people make there mistake by over cooking , don't be afraid to leave it a lil pink on the inside just like beef steak .. I've been eating couse of all sorts since I was a young'n.. fry the liver up with onions or make a heart stew w veggies .. It's all good!! Bacon wrapped backstraps.. or burger it up can't go wrong..

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In my humble opinion the best venison by far comes from the little whitetails in the Texas Hill Country. I think it's because the ranches I've hunted put out supplemental food for cattle, and the deer eat it, too. In second place would be a fallow deer from the same region. The venison from a Coues deer is excellent, but it is not the very best.


Bill Quimby

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