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PSE Stinger 3G for sale

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7 month old PSE Stinger 3G with 3 pin sight, whisker biscuit. 27 1/2" draw length and 60# pull. Comes with 10 Cabela's graphite arrows with 100gr field ttips, 6 muzzy broad heads (never shot), 2 releases, quiver, and a plano hard case. Nothing wrong with it, I just decided to stick to rifle hunting. I have shot it @ 50 times. Never dry fired, and never blown the string off the cams. It is ready for it's first tune up. $475


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Well guys, I paid $419 for the bow, $25/6 for the arrows, $25 era for the releases, @ $30 for the muzzies, and @ $25 for the case when it was all new. If they are having a fire sale on this now, so be it. I felt I was bing fair. My intentions aren't to try to rip anyone off.

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That's a good price for everything that it comes with! Don't know where you saw that package for $350, but you should jump all over it! You sure that wasn't just for the bow only?

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Bump to the top for a good deal and a good guy. This bow is practically new guys. I tried to convert him to a bow hunter and i talked him into buying a bow but it turns out it just wasn't for him. He's a heck of a rifle hunter though. Someone is gonna get a good deal for this package.

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