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wing master

Unit 8 muzzy

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I drew my first ever buck tag. I have shot a few doe in Wyoming but never a buck. Recently moved to AZ for work. Don't know anything about the unit or what to expect.

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Then Get Out There And Scout, Like a Certain someone From Work Has Been Telling You... You Know, Same One ThatTold You About a Tripod EtcEtc

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Good advise firstcoueswas80

Scout, scout ,scout then scout some more !!!!!!!!

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Thanks everyone. I plan on getting 4 or 5 scouting trips in. Just wanted an idea of what I might see. Planing on my first trip out this weekend.

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Just wondering if you have found any yet

I was up there this past weekend and saw 2 nice bucks.

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Just wondering if you have found any yet

I was up there this past weekend and saw 2 nice bucks.

I was up there over the holiday weekend and saw almost 70 antelope. There were 3 or 4 bucks that had my interest and one of them stood out among them all.

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Congrats wingmaster on your tag. Although not known for producing lots of big bucks, unit 8 is a great hunt. I've logged in a lot of hours in unit 8 over the years, and i would like to help you. I pm'd you my phone number and will share everything i know for you, especially a few specific spots where there is almost always a low 80's buck. I had the tag in 2004 and killed a net 82.5, but had to look at over 50 bucks to see him. Call me.

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I don't want to hear. Its like running a 10k and getting passed by an old woman.

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Why Don't You Tell The People How Many Point You Had.... jackasss

Am i missing something here, what's this about?


I don't want to hear. Its like running a 10k and getting passed by an old woman.

Am i missing something here also?

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Why Don't You Tell The People How Many Point You Had.... jackasss

Am i missing something here, what's this about?


I don't want to hear. Its like running a 10k and getting passed by an old woman.

Am i missing something here also?


Yes you are. Apparently firstcoueswas80 knows the OP, and Flatlander doesn't want to hear how many points he had when he got drawn (probably few), because when someone gets drawn with few point its like "running a 10k and getting passed by an old woman" especially if you have a bunch of points and can't get drawn.

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