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White Mountains Root Canal Gobbler 2013

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The day prior to opening turkey day was not a good one. Laying flat on my back and bright lights in my eyes as the root canal began. 52 minutes later it was over. I had no idea if I would be able to make it out of town and the 5 hour drive that was in front of me. Friday came and I was off. Minimal pain and no discomfort.


The first couple of days were exciting at daylight, but a few gobbles into the midmorning hours, but no gobblers coming in. The weekend warrior left and by monday we had good gobbling each morning. Still, it just wouldn't come together.


Then Wednesday came and we had a great set up. My buddy was 30 yards in front and a close by gobble. More gobbles, they were getting close. But the angle of the sound changed and they were coming to me. I slowly moved the Benelli off the side of the tree and laid it across my lap. A few subtle , clucks...then a very soft purrrr. He was coming right to me on a string. I see my buddy Rich raise the 12 guage. BOOOOM! He sits motionless... I slowly creep down... a miss. Ahhh . He had a big gobbler with 2 hens in tow. I never saw them, but I'm glad he took the shot!


An hour later we work up an old forest road. I say "this looks good". A few more soft yet direct clucks. Gobble, Gobble is the reply. Awesome! We are in a great spot. I see the ruby red ,and sky blue. Gobble , Gobble. He's coming quick! 50 yards, 36 yards, 24 yards- BOOM! He drops in his tracks. Rich is numb, I have to hoist him up to get over there! He's speechless. It all happened FAST!


Thursday my luck couldn't get off the ground. 25+ mph winds and a flat tire. Time to head to Big lake and Strip some line in the Float tubes! FISH ON! 14" bow for dinner and Thoughts of the big gobbler and his tracks!


Good luck to everyone who made a run of it in Turkey country and Congrats to the rest who made it happen.


Rich's 2013 Gobbler




The hike out






What keeps us all coming back for more!



Thanks ! AzP&Y

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Good write-up and congratulations to Rich on a nice bird and you on some nice trout. Now that's living the dream right there. Oh yeah, the bourbon had to of topped the evening off well. Thanks for sharing. :)



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That's awesome stuff right there! Great write up and pictures and congratulations to you both on a what looks like a great trip!

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AWESOME job you 2. But you guys already knew that, LOL. Now lets get after them Coues...


OH YA nice profile pic...DORK

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