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Fracking Pros and Cons

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I have tried to read up on this fracking business but it seems that everything is completely one side or the other.


Anybody out there have any really good reading on this?


Does it really do the damage the anti-fracking people claim?



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Stanolind was the first company to initially start hydro-fracturing oil/ gas wells. It takes about a million + gallons of water to Frack a well in addition to the ton of water it took to drill the well. Hydro fracking is done by sending high pressure water and sand(silicate sand) down hole into the casing to blow out the formation rock to increase flow of gas,and/ or petroleum into the resavoir.Less than 0.5% is high chemical content. It's works really really well and can increase a small well of producing 20 barrels of oil a day to over 100. There usually is minimal flow back, and no oil/gas/or fracking material should be able to slip into the water table because the casing pipe is cemented from the resavoir up. The reason there is minimal flow back is because the Geologist and the Resavoir engineer have the entire resavoir mapped out before drilling even began so they know how much fracking material they will need.

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What I have seen and read seems to be ok. The people that are against it are the same people that hate anything to do with oil, carbon emissions etc... So their credibility go out the window.

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Haliburton is an equal opportunity employer they offer "Green Fracking Material" so hippie dippies can jump on a crew and extract that Texas Tea/Black Gold.

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How does it poison Ground Water?

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How does it poison Ground Water?


IDK how, but why does the tap water light on fire in areas where fracking occurs? I just tried that with my faucet, didn't ignite...

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How does it poison Ground Water?

IDK how, but why does the tap water light on fire in areas where fracking occurs? I just tried that with my faucet, didn't ignite...

Lol! Have you been watching Dateline?

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with the chemicals the force down, and for what it is worth I worked in the oil patch and know all about the jobs it provides, but what is the trade off, won't impact us now, it will get future generations

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That video was a con by evnironmentalist, there was another fake where the guy had a 5 gallon jug that had an air line hooked to it airating the water with methane. If there was a serious problem Antmo there would be water samples run through a gas chromatography and their would be paper work on the findings. Where is the paperwork showing the water content?

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I've drilled or assisted with the drilling of many wells for hydro-fracking and it can be done without the chemicals and straight pressure if needed. That being said the chemicals used are declared safe to national drinking water standards so I can't see how it could negatively affect the ground water.

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