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Sadly, in a few weeks, this will be nothing but a footnote. The Chosen One will prevail and continue his assault on traditional American values.


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Sadly, in a few weeks, this will be nothing but a footnote. The Chosen One will prevail and continue his assault on traditional American values.

Sadly, you couldn't be more right. Today's citizen is lazy, has a short attention span, and cares more about handouts than their country or right and wrong. Nothing will come of all of this and it will all soon be swept under the rug.

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The sheer size of the cover-up, corruption, lying, stealing and cheating is beyond disheartening......

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Our "Demander and Thief" should be stripped of title and thrown in jail ... nothing but a Chicago Thug Politician who's lied, stole and cheated his way into every political office he's ever held..


The people who voted for him should take stock now ... next time they feel like pulling the voting lever for a dirtbag like this guy, they should do us all a favor and step in front of a concrete truck. People really need to better understand the positions and character of the person they are voting for.

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Our fore fathers carefully thought out with great wisdom to create the outstanding documents that would protect the people of this great nation. Wouldn't they be so angry and disappointed that everything they had worked so hard for and put into place for the people of this great nation would be torn to shreds by our political leaders of today!? With their own adgenda's (once put into office) they are shredding the constitution piece by piece and bit by bit. They swore to protect and uphold the constitution and you can see where this has been going....Lies, lies, and more lies.....What do people really think when they stand on the steps of the white house? If the statue of Lincoln could come to life and stand at the memorial, I do believe that he would walk away with his head down in disappointment!! Thank God for freedom of the press too since they have become such liberal BS journalists....and report only half truths....You don't believe, turn on a talk radio station today or the tv and listen to the news..............! The stupid stuff they come up with......and this just did't start yesterday!!!

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"Both Political parties are traitors." Snapshot your assessment is correct! I'm so tired of these clowns!

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It is somewhat encouraging to be reminded that ," be sure your sins will find you out,". I believe that the arrogant destruction of our God given liberties will be exposed sooner or later by folks like Snowden. The problem is that they can do long term damage before change ever happens. This moron in the White House is the greatest threat to the American way of life since the revolutionary war!

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