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22 or 24b

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Practice practice practice. Be comfortable with your shooting as to leave no doubt in your mind when the shot presents itself. Do not "fling" arrows in a long shot attempt if the deer is outside your comfort zone.


Look for sign of deer in an area. If the sign is there, they are there. It will be hot in august in those units. Bring plenty of water and some form of bug spray or blind (or both) if you plan on sitting near water. I cant bring myself to do it due to the mosquitos. I will spot and stalk or still hunt just to avoid so many bugs.


The deer are moving very early in the morning. About 30 minutes after sunup it seems they are heading for beds. Then they come back for water during mid day and then come out again right at dark.


Plenty of deer in both those units. Do plenty of scouting and just look for good sign. If you sit water near a road be ready for lots of human traffic coming to check on the water hole. It can be frustrating.

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+1 to what has been said. Find a good vantage point and glass, glass, glass until they hit their beds. Those are 2 very popular units due to accessibility and they produce. Invest the time to go scouting now and don't feel like you are doing something wrong if you can't find em'. There are many seasoned bow hunters who do not tag out in those units.

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Well I will be ethical about it as I do respect my limits and I am practicing daily. I am comfortable with my shooting ability Its the finding deer I am having a problem with. I have been scouting several times and start early way before sunrise and usually staying till after 6pm. I have looked in the Bulldog canyon area around the watertank and the cattle pond as well as around Fish Creek Hill around the ADOT yard. I have seen some sign but it is usually old. I havent seen a single deer in my 6 times out. I am happy to shoot either a coues or a muley and am in it for the meat not a trophy. I just dont know any good spots to start off at and search around. It seems everywhere I think would be promising I come up with zilch. I do have a blind and would like to sit water but can also spot and stalk if needed. Thanks for any advice

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I have been bow hunting for almost 20 years (on and off) and still dont have a deer kill under my belt. It takes patience. Lol. Shot a turkey and two elk with my bow, but no deer.


Seen many deer, had plenty of chances, only shot once in my life and i missed.


My point is archery hunting is tough and i too would be happy shooting a muley or a coues. Dont get discouraged, this is not michigan or tennessee where they walk right under you all day and you have two deer down by sunup.

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Go around Mt. Ord in 22, you will undoubtably see atleast a deer, and probably many more. Look both on the mountain and the surrounding valleys at the base and in-between 4 peaks. Lots of deer and usually semi- easy to spot. Good luck. Oh by the way this is in 22

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+1 on reading the G&F where to hunt sections. There has only been one area that I have hunted/scouted listed in those sections that I was unable to find fresh sign or see what I was looking for. And it had more to do with time restrictions and me focusing on not driving off a mountain. If you pick a spot listed there and spend 2-3 days putting boots on the ground, I guarantee you will find trails, fresh droppings, beds and maybe even push a few deer.


Edit- Don't forget to use google earth to help you locate water sources.

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You might want to pick a cooler unit to hunt in August,i have hunted these units my whole life and know them well,If you aren't In shape and use to the heat I would only sit water.

In August the bigger bucks usally will be bedded before the sun comes up over the mountains,so you might want to sit water,.as they sometime will get up to drink,but I find this way to boring.but to each his own.

There are many areas you can get away from people you just need to scout a lot.I have killed many deer from these units but I grew up hunting there If either one Is open In December or January I would wait and hunt them In the rut.


Seldom Drawn

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Part of my problem is work schedule. I won't have much free time in Dec/Jan so Aug is best for me and being as i have one day off a week the closer units work best

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