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Angling in

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My heart skipped a beat as the turkey blew up with a gobble just over the edge at 30 yards. I had been working this bird with his lone hen for about an hour as they fed along up a fairly open bottom. Both the tom and his hen would answer just about every time I called but I could not get them to commit and climb the ridge to where I had been setting up. I kept backing out and angling in from ahead of them hoping they would feel that I was coming to them, instead of them coming to me. I once again crawled to the edge and was able to see the tom in full strut about 80 yards away. I backed up and laid in the short grass and scratched the slate call a couple of times and he fired right back. I waited several minutes and while on my stomach scratched the slate once again. He about blew my hat off this time and I silently said a "YEAH BABY" this is fixing to happen. Slowly his blue head and neck appeared over the edge as he angled up the ridge. I thought about holding off and watching the show but at 25 yards, and no cover thought better of it.



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Very cool! Yeah, I imagine your heart was racing just a tad bit!!! Congrats!

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Great bird congrats

What unit were you in and was that the only bird you heard.


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