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Can someone please tell me how this "Explosive Materials Background Check" is going to stop Douche bags from driving to New Hampshire to buy Fireworks , cut them apart to get the black powder.


Lets blame the hunters and gun owners and not the group of Federal employees that couldn't keep track of a Person of interest that even Russia was concerned about.


What great leaders we have

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The Odummer Administration is a total failure when it comes to securing this nation. There have been FIVE terrorist attacks on the US in his time in office. YES ... FIVE. I don't give a crap if he called Fort Hood "workplace violence". A disgruntled worker doesn't list himself as a "Soldier of Allah" and run around screaming "Allah Akbar" while slaughtering military personnel. All they do is call it something other than terrorism in order to shift the "sheeple's" attention away from their UTTER FAILURES at protecting this nation. Sure ... put forth bills to background check everything ... that is the answer. NOT. Next, Reid will introduce bills for background checks on primers, casings, bullets, casting molds, and ultimately lead. Then he'll want to go after knives, box cutters, exacto's, razor blades, etc. Pretty soon, we will need FBI clearance to shop at the Home Depot.


Another thought about the Administration ... Biden is the ultimate JACKA$$. By calling these Terrorists "Knockoff Jihadist's", he is downplaying the pain, suffering and death at the Boston Marathon. Love to see someone who was a victim call this "RICHARD" (if you get my meaning) out on the carpet for his comments.

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More smoke and mirrors for the general public. Politician 101. Do something so it doesn't look like your doing nothing. It's a way to justify their jobs. If they can get the public to think their doing something to protect and prevent then they are "doing a good job". They know this bill is a bunch of BS! If they can get it through then they can say, look what we did to protect the public. The public will feel good and everybody's safe and happy. And Obama gets to advance his gun control without using the word gun.

BTW,better go buy a pressure cooker before they require a explosive background check to bottle jam.

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I picked up some two part epoxy last night at Wally World.......went through the self check out, had to get clearance from the cashier.....18 or older required.

Not sure what 2 part epoxy has in it.


Last year trying to buy marbles.....sent my 14 year old in to get them, he had to have an adult with him because the marbles came from the "sporting goods" department.


We are already neck deep in this type of governing.....getting cooked like the frog in the pot...................

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I think it's pretty IRONIC, how the Dem's jump all over a tragedy and try to ram a bill through right after it. But the Republicans don't? Did you see the key word in that paragraph "Boehner". Boehner has become soft, and needs the boot.

It's frustrating! The Dems are smart though. They know they can advance their agenda in a crisis because the walking dead will support radical change when emotions are high. They know if they don't ram it through ASAP it won't pass. Boehner is not the only one that is soft, its most of the party. I hope he just playing politics.

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