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Coues 'n' Sheep

Powder is next??

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As I guy that does not believe in more laws, it gets harder each day to watch the news or even follow what our government is doing to us on a local, state, and federal level... I heard yesterday that 2 new bills restricting acces to gun powder are up for consideration... Why.... well cuz those to Jihadist used it in thier attack on US citizens.... pretty sad that our nation wants no facts about it, obviously, since theyread the one that still lives his rights.

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No doubt they are going to pass a bunch of laws that at the very least are going to make things like powder and primers a lot more money. Eventually you will have to get some kind of permit to possess it and further down the road you won't even be able to do that. Buy what you can afford now.

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You want Your voice to be heard? http://www.nwyc.com/


Had one f these guys come into my office and give the run down. So I sat and listened.

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Our elected officials are a JOKE. This Administration is the BIGGEST JOKE. They are now concluding, after very little "interogation" (read questioning without any duress under the Miranda Act) that these two young pillars of society ACTED ALONE. Hurry Liberal Left Media ... get that out there. We don't want to create a stir in this country. Make sure everyone believes that there was no help ... no one assisted them with information on production of IED's ... no one supplied them with money. This was a totally RANDOM ACT.


HOGWASH (read BULL S_ _ _). Why was the older brother questioned in the past by the FBI? Why did he spend 6 months back in an extremist part of Russia? What is this rush to a conclusion ... wrap this up in a neat and tidy package a week after the events occurred?


Something stinks in Denmark folks ... it stinks to high Heaven. Just one more event that gives them a REASON to take away things like gunpowder, primers, etc.

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The stink coming out of Washington is at an all time high. The guy has already been tried by the court of public opinion, but what solid information can they gather in just a couple of days talking to a guy that can barely talk?


As far as the powder...The Fed's will do anything to chip away at guns. Ammo, powder, bullets, whatever.


The Fed's are masters of exploiting a tragedy

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